We Have a Story: Avi 2

photo - avi 2

“Standing in the shadows,” is the theme of the photo I selected.
However, the photography of what everyone else is or isn’t seeing is also the “gem”
Of lost and hidden shapes and colors and everyday life beyond society’s “eye.”

It was the opportunity to see what has fallen by the wayside and what has
gone “not noticed” as abstract.

The feel of where and how the photos were built upon
was the feeling of “small footprint” and minimalist
attitude, and perhaps, more.

The mounted object missing,
was the photo also, of choice for my personal choice,
being that it was something absent, and yet, it was not absent,
where as someone might just as well say “it was a large print of dice,”
rolled on one

Listen to the photographer respond to the question, "What do you want the community to know about you?"