"What She Doesn’t Know" by Aubrey Rittenhouse

She doesn’t know it yet, but the future is counting on us.

My baby sister lets out a cry and I tell her not to fuss.

For now, she cries over basic needs but one day those tears will have more purpose.

There is so much going on in this world we have barely scratched the surface.

As she drifts back to sleep, I tell a story so soft.

A story of a future with no sickness, one without even a cough.

A future where we can enjoy another’s smile because it really has been a while.

A future where everyone is treated equal.

Most feel like 2020 was a terrible sequel.

But for us this was the year you were born.

Mom and Dad had no family around.

Their hearts were truly torn.

You have already changed the future and you don’t even know it.

A beautiful baby of mixed race

You have left the world no choice but to kindly embrace.

Now you are sound asleep, and you have given me so much hope.

I will forever stand by your side in these trying times and teach you how to cope.

I have so much more to tell you, things I can’t wait to discuss.

She doesn’t know it yet, but the future is counting on us.