What's New: PPLD Kids


  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil (optional)
  • Button or foil (used gum wrapper works well)
  • Six different colors of construction paper or different color paper ads


  1. Pick a color of paper and cut a small circle (about 2" diameter). You may also draw a circle first with your pencil and then cut it out.
  2. Take the first circle and place it on another color. Holding the first circle, or glue it down with a small dab of glue, cut around the first circle, just a bit bigger (1/2" bigger for example). Repeat this process using four more different colors.
  3. Before you fully glue your circles together, decide whether you want to cut fringe around the circle by cutting small slits around the circle's edge.
  4. Arrange your circles on top of each other, small to large. Finish your flower by gluing a button to the middle of the flower or even a recycled foil (gum wrapper) circle.
  5. For the stem, cut a thin strip of green construction paper or recycled greenish paper. Cut a leaf or two and glue to the stem.

Watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aNRHsAWI0U&list=PLMEg2Dd0dSFctLfDQxsL5…


  • Epsom salt
  • Hot water
  • Jar
  • Measuring cup
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Spoon
  • Bowl or cup for mixing
  • Sand or small pebbles


  1. You will need equal parts salt and water, you can decide how much based on the size of your jar. Measure out the salt and add it to your jar.
  2. Measure out the same amount of water and add to your mixing bowl or cup. If you are adding food coloring, put a few drops in the water and mix with your spoon.
  3. Pour colored water into jar with salt.
  4. Mix for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Add a tiny bit of sand or a pebble or two for the crystals to grow on.
  6. Put your jar in the fridge or, to jump start the process, put it in the freezer for 10 minutes before moving it into the fridge over night.
  7. Pour out the solution to reveal your crystals!

Watch this project at: https://youtu.be/e-OZVxuchkU

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