What's New: PPLD Kids


  • Ruler (12" or 18" or 36") or measuring tape
  • Yarn or string
  • Scissor
  • A stuffed animal or your pet


  1. Measure, as best you can, your pet or stuffed animal and determine its length in inches.
  2. After you know how many inches, cut a piece of string or yarn the same length.
  3. Take this piece of string and measure items around your house. How many cats (or hamsters or dogs, etc.) long is your kitchen? Your table? Your bed?

Please leave a comment below, tell us what you used to measure items around your house.

You can watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCU1Ks8mBf0


  • 2/3 c. warm water
  • 2 T. dish soap
  • Food coloring - 4 drops of any color you want
  • Bowl and whisk or a mixer
  • Paper towel or paper

Place ingredients in a bowl and whip for 2 minutes. Make another batch of a different color. (Blue + Red = Purple, or Red + Yellow= Orange, or Blue + Yellow= Green) Take your paper towel or paper and lay over the colorful play foam in the bowl. Make some art! You can also make a couple batches to take into the bathtub.

You can watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7mHotWXvpg

Looking for a chapter book to listen to or read aloud with the family? Check out this selection of engaging chapter books in a variety of genres all available in electronic formats. Need help accessing these materials? Go to PPLD’s eLibrary to get started. Click on the pdf below to see the booklist.