Presenting strategies for dealing with anxiety, tools for emotional awareness, themes of encouragement, hope, and love, these books, available in electronic formats, provide comfort during tough times.
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Click on link below to see booklist:

Looking for a chapter book to listen to or read aloud with the family? Check out this selection of engaging chapter books in a variety of genres all available in electronic formats. Need help accessing these materials? Go to PPLD’s eLibrary to get started. Click on the pdf below to see the booklist.

Did you notice that we had a lot of snow on March 1st? An old saying says that if “March comes in like a lion”, it goes “out like a lamb”. The weather may be blustery now, but it should be nice at the end of the month. So, snuggle up on your favorite chair, under a warm blanket, and share stories about the snow and upcoming spring! Choose both picture books and nonfiction about Weather. (J 551.5784) Click on the pdf link below to see the booklist.