August is National Picnic Month… with Watermelon Day (August 3) and Ice Cream Sandwich Day (August 2) thrown in for fun! Though you may already be back in school, find a little time to enjoy the warm summer days with a picnic outside and some of these favorite stories. Click link below for our reading list:

July is World Watercolor Month! Many illustrators use watercolors to paint pictures in children’s books. If the watercolors are transparent (see-through), they can be used by themselves or in soft layers. Some watercolors are opaque, (not see-through).

Here is a list of a few illustrators who use watercolors, (in red). Find the book by looking under the author in the JEasy section of the library, or by asking your friendly librarian. Look closely at the pictures and see if they look transparent or opaque. Don’t forget to pull out your own watercolors, and give watercolor painting a try! Click on the pdf link below to see the list of books:

“By the sea, by the sea….By the beautiful sea!
You and me, you and me…Oh how happy we’ll be!”

June is “The Great Outdoors” Month! Oceans and lakes, sea creatures and mermaids! Stop at the library for a great book…but make sure to keep it out of the water! Click on pdf below for reading list.