“Zipping on wheels…Off you go! Flying fast and spinning slow.
Riding a bike on a sunny day…your worries and cares just fade away!”
May is “National Bike Month”!!! After taking a spin around the neighborhood on your bike, choose one of these picture books to relax with! See link below for reading list.

April is National Humor Month!
“Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Why are you crying?”
It is said that “Laughter is the best Medicine”. Sometimes there is no better way to connect kids with books, than to find one that tickles the funny bone! Here is a list of humorous picture books. Click on link below!

The Winter Olympics will take place in Pyeong Chang, South Korea this month! Don't just watch it on TV. Take this time to move with your child! You may not really be able to ice skate or compete in luge, but you can use your imagination! Athletes need to have good balance. Practice walking on a line. If the weather is nice...pretend to LUGE down the slide at the park. Indoors, wear slippery socks and slide around on the smooth floor like you are FIGURE SKATING. Or make a modified CURLING course...using a ball or toy truck and a broom, and land on a bulls-eye on the floor. Don't let your kids have all the fun! They want to judge your spins and turns on the ice rink as well! Here are some books to help your athletes "warm up". Click on link: