Maker in Residence: Native American Beading with Ela Diel

Date Published: February 15, 2022

Native American Beading culture crosses many tribes and has significant meaning in who we are in our tribes as well as what we believe in within ourselves. Join Ela Diel, a Cherokee native, as she shares with you pieces of her culture. Help keep some native traditions alive through beading art.

Community Project

Drop in for open hours helping Maker in Residence Ela Diel create a community-based project in Native American Beadwork!

Ela will guide you on how to contribute beads to a community canvas that will be displayed in the Library in the future.

Artist Biography

Hello! I'm Ela. I'm Tsalagi (Cherokee) native. My Tsalagi name is Unega-Waya, which means Happy Wolf. This is my heritage: My grandmother grew up in Appalachia in what is modernly known as North Carolina. My grandmother moved away from the tribe to marry my grandfather, an Irish-American to live in New York where they had four sons. She passed away when I was only two, however my father passed on our culture and traditions, and I have since reconnected with the tribe. I love art and beading is a great way to express art and keep my family's culture alive. I am autistic, so if I don't look you in the eye or stutter a little please forgive me. Outside of that, let's have some fun, bead and celebrate the Tsalagi culture together! A'ho!