Audiobooks & eAudiobooks
Explore PPLD's collection of Audiobooks. You can browse our collection by visiting our catalog. Whether you're into fiction, nonfiction, or children's books, we have a wide variety of titles available for your listening pleasure. Audiobooks offer a hands-free way to enjoy your favorite stories on the go.
Downloadable audiobooks
Audiobooks can be downloaded and accessed through Libby or hoopla, allowing you to listen on your phone, tablet, or computer. Both apps provide an extensive selection of titles for all ages and interests. Simply log in with your library card, download the app, and start enjoying audiobooks wherever you are.
Audiobook CDs
Prefer physical media? PPLD also offers a collection of audiobooks on CD. Perfect for listening during long road trips or at home, these CDs feature a wide range of genres and authors. Visit our catalog to explore the full selection.
Playaways are portable, pre-loaded devices that make it easy to listen without the need for additional equipment.
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Read on the go with Libby
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started.
Please note: OverDrive’s EPUB eAudiobook format can no longer be used for checkout directly from the online catalog. Please use the Libby app or PPLD’s OverDrive website to obtain that format.

Get digital videos, music, books, and more with hoopla
Start using hoopla digital today to begin borrowing free digital video, music, books, and comics with your library card. Gain access to thousands of titles – available for instant streaming or temporarily download – and watch or read on your smartphone, tablet or computer.