Movies & TV
Browse our online catalog to find a wide selection of films & television shows available to borrow. You can also visit any of our locations to explore our DVD collection. Scroll down on this page to see our digital resources where you can stream movies and TV. From blockbusters to indie films, PPLD has something for every movie lover.
Visit one of our many library branches to browse our physical collection of DVDs. Use the catalog to search all DVDs and place holds on titles.
We also have a collection of Blu-Ray discs available for checkout.
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Get digital videos, music, books, and more with Hoopla
Start using Hoopla digital today to begin borrowing free digital video, music, books, and comics with your library card. Gain access to thousands of titles – available for instant streaming or temporary download – and watch or read on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Kanopy - eVideos
Kanopy showcases more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema with collections from Kino Lorber, Music Box Films, Samuel Goldwyn, The Orchard, The Great Courses, PBS and thousands of independent filmmakers.
You have 30 tickets each month to check out content. Titles will check out for 3 - 21 days, depending on running time. Kanopy has a monthly budget cap. Once the monthly budget is reached, users will get the error message “Access is currently limited per your library's request.” Checkouts resume when the library’s budget resets the following month.
Check-out Limit: 30 tickets/month
Loan Period: varies
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Videos & eBooks on TumbleBooks
Animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. Read online only.
TumbleBooks - picture books