Books & eBooks
Explore PPLD's extensive collection of books and eBooks. From bestsellers and classics to indie authors and nonfiction gems, we have something for every reader. Whether you prefer a physical book or the convenience of an eBook, our catalog offers a variety of formats to suit your preferences.
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Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started.
Download the Libby app
Access the PPLD Libby webpage here
Access the PPLD Overdrive webpage here
Please note: OverDrive’s EPUB eAudiobook format can no longer be used for checkout directly from the online catalog. Please use the Libby app or PPLD’s OverDrive website to obtain that format.

Freading: eBooks
Freading has over 100,000 titles that are from more than 1,100 publishers including HarperCollins, Harlequin, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Sourcebooks, and Lonely Planet. All titles are available all the time. You will need to Download Adobe Digital Editions to use Freading on a computer, or the Freading app for Android and Apple devices. Click here for instructions.
Formats: EPUB and PDF
Check-out Limit: 3 books/week
Loan Period: 2 weeks

Indie Author Project - eBooks
Access unique content through Biblioboard, including indie eBooks and curated digital exhibits and collections from PPLD. The Indie Author Project allows self-published authors to submit their original work for circulation in Biblioboard, making your eBook visible at PPLD and other Colorado libraries, as well as at libraries worldwide. Read online only.
Want to submit your eBook? Click here to get started.

TumbleBookLibrary: eBooks, eVideos
Animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. Read online only.
TumbleBookLibrary - picture books
Interlibrary Loan/Request It
Looking for a book that's not in our collection? Use our Interlibrary Loan service to request items from libraries across the country.
Book Clubs
Join one of PPLD's many book clubs to discuss your favorite reads with fellow book lovers! You can join one of our many PPLD Book Clubs or start your own book club with a Book Club kit.
PPLD Bundles
PPLD Bundles consist of a mix of titles chosen by staff from the shelves of your local branch based on your selections.

Book Reviews & Staff Picks
Not sure what to read next? Check out our curated list of staff picks and book reviews. Our librarians hand-pick their favorite titles across different genres to help you discover your next great read. You can also explore reviews written by fellow library patrons.
Other Book Resources
Leverage PPLD's vast array of online resources to dive deeper into literary topics. From scholarly articles to author interviews, our databases can help you enhance your reading experience and explore the literary world in greater detail.