Career Online High School
Career Online High School (COHS) is an online high school diploma and career certification program funded by Pikes Peak Library District. Residents living within the Library District’s service area who have completed eighth grade and are age 18 or older are eligible to apply. Ready to get started?
Learn more about Career Online High School (COHS)
How to get started
Explore the information on this page to learn about the Career Online High School™ (COHS) program. If you decide that earning an accredited high school diploma while gaining real-world career skills is the best option for you, take the “Are You Ready?” survey to apply to COHS.
Complete a short online “Are You Ready?” survey that asks about things like your access to a computer, how much time you can dedicate to courses, and an essay question. If you meet the program requirements, you will be contacted by the Library within one week to discuss the prerequisite course. If not, we will help you find other programs that support your educational and career goals.
Select a career path and enroll in the prerequisite course. During the prerequisite course, you will:
- Explore the online learning environment to determine if you are comfortable with it. The prerequisite course must be completed with a 70% or higher within two weeks.
- Decide whether the program best meets your educational needs or if alternative options for high school completion are better for you.
- Determine if the career field is interesting/appealing.
- Show the Library your commitment to furthering your education through successfully completing the entire COHS program.
Upon completion of the prerequisite course, the Library will contact you to schedule an interview and discuss your enrollment into the full program.
Upon completion of the Part 1: Prerequisite course, the Library will contact you within 3 business days to schedule an interview and discuss your enrollment into the full program.
Completing Coursework and Graduating
- You will be paired with an academic coach to help you succeed in the program. They will help you get started with a welcome kit and phone call, and show you how to log in to your online classroom, which includes:
- 24/7 access to courses
- Instant feedback on lessons and exams
- Online learning resources including eLibrary, calendar, grade book, and support services
- Pace guides that help you stay on track by completing one course credit every two weeks
- Contact Library staff at cohs@ppld.org for various local resources
- We have an academic coach to support you via phone, email, and text
- Technical support is available by phone or email
- Certified instructors provide additional academic support
- Support staff help you plan for your next career steps
- Career-focused, skills-based elective courses
- Biweekly online seminars focused on job skills for the 21st century
- Monthly career webinars to prepare you for workplace realities and job markets
- Career portfolio lessons that teach business writing and help you create resumes and cover letters
By the end of the program, you will graduate with more than your high school diploma:
- Career certificate
- Career portfolio
- Job prep training and skills