In a nutshell: born, lost, found, raised in Los Angeles as a dancer, graduated, married best friend at 18, had two daughters plus half the neighborhood who came to dinner and stayed, husband died suddenly in his early thirties, life ended, then began again when I was hired by the Department of Defense to teach overseas.
Stayed 21 years in Germany, seven of them on the Cold War Border, remarried a pilot, and we CHOSE Colorado Springs when we came home in 1995. Seeing the tension on the military border, the extensive travel, the think tank topics, all offered opportunities to observe people under pressure...a favorite topic of my novels. It's not so much what happens to my characters as how they handle it. Where do human beings find the resilience to keep on fighting for their dreams, even through disaster? All my stories are based on true events and people (for whom I change the names to protect the guilty), and all are stories I felt needed to be told. I find our mountains, wildlife, and town spirit conducive to creativity.

* National Pen Women, Pikes Peak Branch
* Skyway FireWise Mitigation Chairman
* Cheyenne Mountain Club
* Enzian Austrian-American Club
* AOSHS (American Overseas Schools Historical Society)