Meredith “Kit” Bromfield is transformation specialist, author, advocate, investment advisor, an inspirational speaker, certified life coach, and founder of Crossing Your Bridge©. Her years of counseling on life-changing issues have given her the expertise needed to help individuals through this complex world. Her passion is to protect and empower individuals financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually and give them HOPE when they are facing life-changing events. Her programs, books, and weekly words of wisdom offer hope-filled solutions and encouragement. Meredith Bromfield’s area of expertise is empowerment in change.
She has been an elected Library Trustee; she has been part of a team that was instrumental in building a state of the art 96,000 sq. ft. gold LEED-certified library in Bolingbrook, Illinois; she was past president of the Chamber of Commerce; she was a founder and board member of a non-profit Heart Haven Outreach helping troubled teens; she has served on numerous committees and held various positions as she served her community; she has had the privilege of speaking at various groups and companies throughout her career. She is married and has 4 children and 4 grandchildren. She moved to Colorado from Chicago in 2009 and enjoys painting, crafts, hiking in the mountains, mission trips, volunteering, and reading. She loves to travel and has been blessed to have visited many places. She has toured England, France, Germany, Amsterdam, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Austria, Switzerland, Kenya, Mexico, Canada, Mexico, Central America, New Zealand, and Australia. She has also traveled extensively all over the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. She and her husband go on mission trips as often as their schedule and budget allows. Some highlights of mission trips she has gone on are: McCrery County in the hills of Appalachia, where she helped put on siding on a home for an elderly lady, worked a food bank, helped children select clothes for school. She has worked in the slums of Mukuru, in Nairobi, and took orphans camping and on field trips in Timisoara, Romania.
Success and prosperity principles
Business topics: networking, building alliances, 5-generations