1. "'Change the Joke...': On English and Ebonics" in The Urban Spectrum (Denver, C…
  2. "...I Win" (Tales of the Talisman, October 2013)
  3. "A Cool Way to Detect Neutrinos" (The Colorado School of Mines Oredigger newspa…
  4. "A Rendering" (Tough Lit X, 2013)
  5. "A Spider in Every Cup" (short story) appears in Nov-Dec 2008 issue of The Ram…
  6. "A Tale of Two Quilts" [article] (in Empire Magazine, n.d.)
  7. "After Surgery" and "For a Holdout" (New Plains Review, Fall 2015)
  8. "Along the Ecliptic" (The Voices Project, 2013)
  9. "Anniversary Roses" and "Having My Way with Time (The 2River View, Summer 2004)
  10. "Aria in White: First Movement" (poetry)(Colorado School of Mines High Grade Jo…
  11. "Astronomy," "Processional," and "Spider Remembers" (BlazeVOX, Fall 2016)
  12. "Beryllium" and "Picasso's Sabine Women, 1962" (The Sixty-Four)(Black Mountain …
  13. "Black Dog" (Bellevue Literary Review 9.2, Fall 2009)
  14. "Bugs", "Games" (The Eagle Literary Magazine, 2012)
  15. "Carapace" (Tomorrow: Speculative Fiction, December 1995)
  16. "City of the Dead" (Enter the Rebirth, TANSTAAFL, June 2018)
  17. "Clicking for a Reason" (The Colorado School of Mines Oredigger newspaper, Sept…
  18. "Coffee" (US Represented, 9 July 2015)
  19. "Colorado Voices" columnist, The Denver Post, 2008-2009
  20. "Colossians 1:15-16 and the Phillipine Spirit World" - published in The South E…
  21. "Conquering Coping Fatigue" in Psych Discourse (Apr. 1995)
  22. "Criminal Injustice: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal" in The African American Voice…
  23. "Dark Dream," "Shooter," "Riverwater," and "Act V, Scene 3" (Atticus Review, 9 …
  24. "Dark Water" (Tough Lit VI, 2012)