Pikes Peak Library District patrons of all ages join in the 17th annual event

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Thousands of readers of all ages across our community will join Pikes Peak Library District in a community-wide literacy and learning initiative.

The 17th annual iteration of All Pikes Peak Reads takes place from September 10 through November 17. It’s a regional effort to improve literacy and foster dialogue across social, cultural, and generational lines. The 2018 program is focused on diversity, multiculturalism, immigration, and resiliency.

“We think this is such important subject matter for our community to discuss in our current climate, both locally and nationally,” said Amy Rodda, Head of Adult Services. “The whole goal of All Pikes Peak Reads is to help increase literacy across the region while instigating important conversations about relevant current events. We’re very optimistic that this year’s program will achieve those goals.”

This year’s program includes three titles, divided up by age group. The adult title selection is The Newcomers: Finding Refuge, Friendship, and Hope in an American Classroom by Helen Thorpe. Young adult and teen readers wanting to participate can read Flying Lessons and Other Stories edited by Ellen Oh, and the children’s selection is Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña.

Both Thorpe and de la Peña will be visiting Colorado Springs this fall as a part of the All Pikes Peak Reads event schedule.

“PPLD is thrilled that two of our selection authors will be joining us to celebrate this program,” Rodda said. “It makes such a tangible difference for our patrons when they not only read an impactful book of this nature, but they also have the opportunity to discuss that book with the person who wrote it.”

In addition to the author visits, All Pikes Peak Reads has a robust events schedule that spans the two months of the program’s run. Events include movie screenings, multicultural celebrations, cooking and craft classes, story times, and more. PPLD representatives say the wide array of events is an attempt to make sure everyone can be involved, in the hopes that the timely issues dealt with in the selected titles are discussed community-wide.

“There is something for everyone in this year’s reading program, and we hope everyone in the community will feel included and motivated to participate,” Rodda said.

A full schedule of events can be found at ppld.org/appr.

Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) is a nationally recognized system of public libraries serving a population of more than 623,000 in El Paso County, Colorado. With 14 facilities, online resources, and mobile library service, PPLD responds to the unique needs of individual neighborhoods and the community at large.
