1. Information from Medline Plus.

  2. Information for birth mothers and adoptive parents.

  3. Allows users to search for names by sex, ethnic origin, number of syllables, and starting and ending letters.

  4. Includes a Baby Name Finder, Name Voyager which allows you to track the popularity of names over time, Name Mapper which shows were your name is most popular, and a Name Encyclopedia.

  5. Information from the U.S. Department of State.

  6. International organization providing information and support to breastfeeding mothers.

  7. Pregnancy and parenting support center.

  8. Search over 10,000 names from major regions and religions around the world.

  9. Search names by year, name, state, or decade from the years 1880-2008 from the Social Security Administration.

  10. From Medline Plus.

  11. Contains the ABC's of child development.