
Book Review: Thank and Grow Rich

Grout, Pam
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In her book 'Thank and Grow Rich', Pam Grout introduces readers to the benefits of practicing gratitude. While practicing gratitude does not, as Mrs. Grout states, make readers physically rich, the scientific benefits are vast. Outlining these benefits of increased health, greater happiness, and thus a more fulfilling life, Mrs. Grout encourages readers to join in the practice of gratitude.

This is a lovely book celebrating the practice of giving thanks. Filled with experiments and applications of gratitude, this book is very user-friendly. I would recommend this book to readers looking to improve their positive-thinking and gratitude habits. Ages 14 and up are appropriate for reading.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: Barking up the Wrong Tree

Barker, Eric
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In his book Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker explains secrets to success in many areas of life. Using the latest in scientific research, he explains how to "find work-life balance using the strategy of Genghis Khan, the errors of Albert Einstein, and a little lesson from Spider-Man", how to lower stress and increase self love, and move through life more happily

Among other lessons, Mr. Barker teachers readers why most of what they previously believed about success is "wrong". Then he goes on to explain how they can improve themselves and their lives through lessons provided by unlikely - but entertaining - sources.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking to improve success in their lives. It is an excellent, helpful, and humorous read that will be good for any age range 16 and above.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: The Cozy Life

Edberg, Pia
4 stars = Really Good

It's so easy to get caught up in daily life and, in my case, neuroses. The Danish concept of hygge offers a way to enjoy the simple things by making an change to coziness. It's a conscious change and can be applied to all walks of life. Now I find myself asking if something is hygge throughout the day. I plan to use some of the suggestions, such as keeping a clean, cozy house, thinking more positive, and restarting my gratitude journal. Good book.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Honeymoon Effect

Lipton, Bruce H.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In his book The Honeymoon Effect, Dr. Bruce Lipton speaks about the cellular effects of love. He teaches readers that what the brain interprets as being in love, or loving someone very deeply, causes a cascade effect of enhanced cellular healing, release of a higher level of positive chemicals throughout the body, and a notable increase in general well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. After reviewing the science behind the emotion of love and its effects, Dr. Lipton teaches readers how to create more love in their lives. Thus, he makes the case that they can create happier, healthier lives for themselves and those they care about through fostering this important emotion.
I enjoyed this book for its sensible science, interesting premise, and useable teachings. I would recommend this book to readers age 16 and up who wish to gain a greater understanding of the science of the emotion of love.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: E2

Grout, Pam
4 stars = Really Good

E2 is a book about the fusion of the common wisdom of positive thinking with modern-day science. The premise Mrs. Grout lays out for readers begins with her book's prologue, Albert Einstein's famous theorem e = mc2 (energy = mass* the speed of light)(squared). In her book, Mrs. Grout presents the scientific energetic evidence for why actions such as positive thought so incredibly shape people's lives. By teaching readers how easy it is to influence the energies around them thorough positive thought and belief, she shows how to change one's life for the better.

I enjoyed this book very much, because it is so inspirational and helpful in creating a more positive life. I would recommend this book to any reader looking to influence their life positively. The age range appropriate would be from 15 to any adult age.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: The Tapping Solution

Ortner, Nick
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In his book "The Tapping Solution", Nick Ortner introduces readers to a valuable tool for, as he says, "stress-free living". While unfortunately, no life is free from stress, the Tapping Solution (or EFT) is a method in which modern psychology is combined with eastern acupressure points on the face, chest, underarms, and hand to release stress when tapped upon them. Why does this method work? Multiple studies have shown that one of the greatest benefits of acupuncture and acupressure is cortisol reduction in the body (the stress hormone). When tapping these EFT points while saying aloud the emotion one is experiencing, the cortisol has been shown to significantly drop in the body.
This has multiple applications, as Mr. Ortner goes on to explain, including aid with anxiety relief, stress relief, and even help for those days that don't go right. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to reduce the stress in their life and re-wire their brain.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: The Biology of Belief

Lipton, Bruce H.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In this book about the effect of thoughts and belief on the body's cells, Dr. Lipton compellingly shows the science of positivity. A fascinating and encouraging read for teens and above, this book encourages positive thinking for all. The case Dr. Lipton makes, backed by his own research, is "the more we put happiness into our thoughts, the more happiness our bodies experience", meaning release of positive chemicals, less stress, and better healing. This is an important book that encourages positive thinkers and those working to change their thinking. This is because as Mr. Lipton says, positivity heals.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: Zen and the Art of Happiness

Prentiss, Chris
4 stars = Really Good

This non-fiction book is a great guide full of life improvement tips.
In this book, Chris Prentiss guides you through different strategies on how to be the best you, how to be the happiest you, and so on. The author teaches you different ways to be happy based on many Chinese philosophies and personal experience. What I liked about this book, was how simple it was. The methods presented by the author can be done by anybody and doesn’t require anything else, yet, he still shows how effective his methods are through telling stories about successful friends of his who listened to his advice.
Reviewer Grade: 7

Reviewer's Name
Kyle Y

Book Review: The Cozy Life

Edberg, Pia
3 stars = Pretty Good

This guide provides an interesting approach to improving your life at home with a danish concept called hygge. In this book, different and interesting danish methods are presented, including how to make the most of your time with loved ones, what to avoid when participating in hygge, how to make your house a more relaxing atmosphere. Towards the end, there is a cookbook sharing many of the author’s favorite danish dishes. I found this book very helpful at giving ideas on ways to make your living space more relaxed and inviting, using things like lighting, plants, and cleanliness. In conclusion, I think this would be a nice book for anyone looking for ideas to throw a family reunion or looking to be a little more relaxed.
Reviewer Grade: 7

Reviewer's Name
Kyle Y

Book Review: Girl, Wash Your Face

Hollis, Rachel
2 stars = Meh

This book wasn't bad. I finished it. I even got two takeaways: Don't compare yourself to others, and don't worry about weight so much as being in shape (paraphrased). However, I did not agree with her assessment of people using prescribed drugs for anxiety, depression, and sleep as being unnecessary. She said it twice in the book. Also, she holds herself up as the standard to which we should all aspire, not on purpose, it was just a side effect of the book. It was okay for a rah rah book, but I wouldn't recommend it to my friends.

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