Book Review: Lord of the Flies

Golding, William
3 stars = Pretty Good

Actual Rating: 3.5

Lord of the Flies is a strange and sometimes creepy yet surprisingly good book by “one hit wonder” author William Golding. The story is about several British schoolboys crashing on a deserted island with no adults, and details how they try to manage by finding and hunting food, building shelters, and making smoke signals to any would-be passing ships to try to get themselves rescued. All of the boys stick together at first with choir boy Jack as their leader, but when Jack and the other choir boys become obsessed with hunting and killing the wild pigs on the island and let the rescue fire go out, Ralph and Piggy, our other main characters, are furious at them and banish them into the jungle. They go off and start their own tribe, and when they do catch a wild pig, they roast the meat and invite any boys that want it to join their tribe. Ralph and Piggy remain on the beach with the other boys, but when they learn about the “activities” that go on in Jack’s part of the jungle, primarily hunting and performing strange rituals, most of them leave to join him, and Ralph’s attempt at civilization just goes downhill from there. I really can’t say any more as it may give away the book’s ending. I will tell you, however, that the ending is a surprising one and is ultimately bittersweet, so those who like everything to be resolved happily, be warned. I recommend this book to those who like shipwreck and plane wreck stories and those who can tolerate gory detail in some spots.

Reviewer Grade: 7

Reviewer's Name
Jacob U.