Book Review: Fablehaven

Title of Book
Brandon Mull
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

While the cover of Fablehaven, by Brandon Mull, may not be the most appealing, once the book is opened the reader is welcomed into a new, magical world, filled with sneaky satyrs, vain fairies, dangerous witches, and many more. Similarly, when Kendra and Seth are sent to their Grandfather's house for the summer, they don't expect to find an adventure waiting for them. A series of well-placed clues reveals a new, mysterious world to the two children, who must work to save it. Kendra and Seth make both friends and enemies in this preserve and learn the importance of following the rules, as well as risking them. Fablehaven was constantly surprising me, making it impossible to put down. The characters learn new things about what they are capable of accomplishing, which helps to inspire readers to reach outside of their comfort zone and discover what they can accomplish as well.

Reviewer's Name
Reagan Grade 10

Book Review: Monstrous Devices

Monstrous Devices Book Jacket
Title of Book
Damien Love
3 stars = Pretty Good

Before receiving what might have been the strangest gift ever, 12-year-old robot enthusiast Alex's life was already plagued enough with bullies and homework. But when he receives a toy robot from his enigmatic grandfather, along with a note that reads "This one is special," a sequence of supernatural events sets off around Alex, and right before things take a deadly turn, Alex's grandfather appears just in time to save his life...and pack him away in an impromptu snowy trip across Europe. As the two begin to unravel the mysteries behind the robot's magic, Alex finds himself becoming the main target of a group of mysterious assassins who follow his every move in the hopes of possessing his robot, and he is forced to battle villains of both human and robot form as he grapples with the immense, monstrous powers of his seemingly innocent toy.

Monstrous Devices is whimsical and unique, and although it is for middle-school aged children, the author is not afraid to add in some chilling, horror-adjacent plot points throughout the story (this novel literally begins with a murder more on that). While reading this book, I felt as if I was tagging along with Alex and his grandpa as they outwit the assassins; I could hear the robots the assassins used as weapons whizzing and whirring in their deadly attacks, and I could practically see the landscape this book is set in. The bits of history about robots and magic the author added in was also very intriguing, adding a mythical element to the story.

On the other hand, the ending of the book felt somewhat abrupt for me, and there were a lot of questions I had about the characters and the plot that were left unanswered. The lore behind the robot, and even Alex and his grandpa's own backstories, were a little hard to follow, and I ended up somewhat dissatisfied with the lack of conclusions the author gave. The characterizations of the assassins only left more questions, their motives were very unclear, and their eventual fate did not sit quite right with me. I do, however, know that there is a sequel to this book, and I hope that it will tie together some of the unresolved tensions.

In the end, even though it has its flaws, Monstrous Devices remains a magical and entertaining read that young readers will surely enjoy.

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Book Review: The Selection

The Selection
Title of Book
Cass, Kiera
2 stars = Meh

In a distant future, the US has fallen after a devastating sequence of wars, and in its place rises a new nation by the name of Illéa. The country is led by a traditional monarchy, and society is divided into castes, with Ones (royals, elites) lying at the top of the pyramid and the lowly Eights (handicaps, homeless people, orphans etc.) at the bottom, ostracized and left to suffer at the hands of society. As a form of entertainment or tradition, when the King and Queen's male progeny comes of age, the government televises a show known as the Selection, which centers around thirty-five young girls of all different castes compete on national TV for the hand in marriage of the prince.

America Singer is a Five; she's an artist, a singer, like her last name suggests. For her, the prospect of entering in the Selection is nothing but a nightmare, as it threatens her budding relationship with Aspen, who is a caste below her. But after continuous persuasion and bribes from her mother, she decides to compete anyway and finds herself in the presence of Maxon, the young prince of the realm that thirty-four other girls are desperate to win the favor of. Slowly, America begins to fall for him, questioning her own desires.

I had first decided to pick up this book as I thought the concept of a futuristic caste system and a monarchy was very interesting. These types of books were also not ones that I would usually read, so I thought it would be nice to try something different for once. The Selection, for all of its simple and predictable plot structure, is a fairly easy and somewhat entertaining read; I finished the first book in two days! However, that's where the compliments stop. The book overuses too many common YA book tropes (enemies to lovers, love triangles) as well as basic, shallow character archetypes (feisty female main character, dreamy and sweet main love interest, bubbly best friend, superficial mean girls, etc). As mentioned before, the plot has barely any depth, and the mentions of rebel attacks on the royal family and the corrupted caste system seem like a low-quality effort to retain the dystopian aspect of the novel at best. Romance plays itself as the main focus of the novel, and while that is not necessarily bad, it does tend get extremely repetitive as much of the novel and even the whole series centers around America deciding whether or not she really loves Maxon (as well as vice versa). And as for the characters themselves, I found both America and Maxon insufferable and one-dimensional. The book lacks tension and is overall very plain.

I did manage to get through the entirety of the series; however, I do not recommend this book to anyone interested in novels with a blend of romance and dystopian/fantasy elements. There are books out there that execute these genres better than the Selection in my opinion.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Gearbreakers

Title of Book
Mikuta, Zoe Hana
4 stars = Really Good

Two queer Asian girls, on different sides of the war. When their paths collide, at first, they are each other's enemy until they both realize they're fighting for the same purpose, and with a tyrannical rule spreading they have to work together to rebel.

This book was amazing, definitely worth reading. This book was full of action, sci fi and romance. This is one of the most underrated books and deserves more recognition.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Scythe

Title of Book
Shusterman, Neal
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Thunderhead, an all-knowing artificial intelligence was able to solve all of the world's problems, it could even bring back the newly deceased from the dead. Religion, creativity, hard work, and passion are obsolete, and jobs only exist to give people something to do. Everything is perfect, every accommodation is met, anyone can speak to the Thunderhead, and the Thunderhead can solve anyone's problems. However, because the Thunderhead’s purpose is to help humanity it vowed to have nothing to do with the problem of overpopulation and the humans would have to create that system.
The Scythedom is an organization of people whose job is to glean (or cause the permanent death of an individual). Scythes are treated with the highest honor and have to pay for nothing and wait for no lines, but they carry the tough burden of ending other people’s lives. Every scythe must meet a quota and must follow a list of rules. However, even with great respect no man-made thing is perfect and the drive for power may corrupt the Scythedom.
Citra and Rowan end up as apprentices for a scythe and they will soon learn the guilt and hardship of the job. Only one of them will become a scythe, they must learn and train constantly leaving their old lives behind. Through many plot twists the pair must do what they can to navigate their new environment. How will the other scythes react to a scythe having two apprentices? How will Citra and Rowan change?
Neal Shusterman’s Scythe is an amazing book. It portrays the mental toll and thoughts of the protagonists perfectly and demonstrates their character development amazingly. The world-building is immaculate, and the vocabulary and characters get you immersed in the book quickly. Every detail is looked over and every character is thought out thoroughly, all having unique backstories and different approaches and thoughts to the world around them.
Scythe is also a philosophical masterpiece and touches on subjects like the drive for power and corruption in society. Throughout the book I was thinking constantly and wondering about how the society works. I recommend this book to everybody for its thorough story and how it brings up many deep questions in a unique, subtle, and phenomenal way.

Reviewer's Name


Title of Book
Bollen, Christopher
4 stars = Really Good

As a reader, do you gravitate towards relate-able, conventional, sweet narrators and stories that follow a comforting and predictable arc, ending in the literary version of “All is well”? If so, then read no further. Christopher Bollen’s page-turning, stomach-churning, prediction-spurning Havoc is not the novel for you.
Bollen’s sole narrator is octogenarian Maggie Burkhardt, a Wisconsin expatriate in Egypt during the pandemic, and Bollen’s use of the first person pays satisfying homage to its origin as an “unreliable narrator.” The book’s synopsis gives us a strong nudge in the “be wary of this narrator” direction, but it also complicates matters by adding an 8-year-old boy, arriving at the shabby-chic hotel on the edge of the Nile in the Sahara Desert with his harried mother, who quickly morphs into an unsettling and eerie nemesis for Maggie.
The peripatetic, well-heeled guests, Ben and Zachary, an American gay couple whom Maggie has befriended and feels comfortable with, as well as Ahmed, the local hotel manager with the proverbial heart of gold, who has warmly welcomed Maggie since her arrival from a mysteriously swift departure from Switzerland, provide rich and believable layers of characterization and sub-plots that robustly deliver from start to finish. But there’s never a doubt that Maggie is the axis around which this beguilingly straightforward yet actually quite twisty plot revolves.
While busying herself with ruminations about which guests might need her special “help” in overturning their lives for the good (ahem)—something Bollen makes sure that readers know is not a newly developed habit--Maggie tries and, to her astonishment, spectacularly fails to befriend young Otto. Subsequently, she becomes convinced that the precocious and troubled 8-year-old, who has quickly inserted himself into the homey interpersonal fabric of the sprawling and laid-back hotel, is on to her. As it happens, she may be right.
Bollen skillfully lays a crumb trail for readers—though never too many crumbs at once!—to suss out and/or add puzzlement to Maggie’s history and motives. Was Maggie’s long-time marriage to Peter who predeceased her as perfect as she recounts? And what’s going on with their daughter who appears in brief, hazy recollections as both a child and an adult when “she died”? The uneasy pleasure of this novel rests in the interwoven nature of Maggie’s unreliable memory and self-talk with the disturbing and escalating aspect of her and Otto’s game of one-up-man-ship. Is Maggie right about her suspicions of this child? Is the kid, in this case, “all right” or….decidedly not? And when friendly Ahmed finally cools towards Maggie because he’s heard just one too many contradictions in her back-story, should we feel pity for someone whose sanity is unraveling or a fervent hope that she be caught out before something worse happens?
The answers to these questions may possibly differ for every reader. But the staggering conclusion, rendered with an admirable combination of nail-shredding suspense and gut-punching abruptness, seemed worthy of Poe to this reader. Kudos to Bollen on his rendition of a “tale of mystery and imagination!”

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Book Review: I Must Betray You

I Must Betray You
Title of Book
Sepetys, Ruta
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Christian is living in terrible conditions inside of communist Romania, and as the citizens of surrounding countries revolt for a change of government Christian might house the power to alert everyone not directly involved. Every day he is starving, tired, and paranoid, every Romanian is being watched, and any secrets will be uncovered. Soon his whole world is forced to change when he is pulled out of school and has to make a deal to preserve his family's lives. I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys Is a beautifully crafted story with an eye-opening plot. It has unique insights and a variety of interesting characters. Every chapter is equally as impressive with a storyline that keeps you reading. I Must Betray You is an amazing historical fiction book that I recommend to everyone.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Darth Bane: Rule of Two

Darth Bane: Rule of Two
Title of Book
Karpyshyn, Drew
4 stars = Really Good

After getting a taste of the raw thrills provided by Drew Karpyshyn’s first novel, Darth Bane: Rule of Two was a must-have! Now having destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness, Bane must find a suitable apprentice to carry on the power of the Dark Side; His choice: a little girl called Rain who, despite her size, is immensely powerful in the dark side. Bane must struggle to trust his choice of an apprentice, for the future of the Sith relies on it, while Rain must prove that she is worthy of the title of a master. With a similar mix of action as the previous book, this novel also incorporates an integral struggle, making it even more interesting. Darth Bane: Rule of Two will certainly have your hyperdrive engines ready to boost to the third and final book of the series!

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Westing Game

The Westing Game
Title of Book
Raskin, Ellen
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

When smoke emerges from the house of the wealthy Samuel W. Westing and he is found dead, his sixteen heirs are invited to the reading of his will. Soon they will find themselves involved in a game to win his fortune, divided into pairs they must use nonsensical clues to win the game. No one is able to trust any of the other heirs, so when a huge snowstorm traps some of them together tensions are high. With unexpected twists in every corner of the book Ellen Raskin’s The Westing Game is a must read for any mystery lover. Every character is crafted brilliantly, with unique backstories and great character development. This book keeps you on your toes the whole time, with great vocabulary and a unique plot it is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. The Westing Game is a perfect mystery novel for people of many ages and keeps you wanting more.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Divine Rivals

Divine Rivals
Title of Book
Ross, Rebecca
4 stars = Really Good

Divine Rivals is an enchanting novel that surpassed my expectations. The writing is magical and quickly captured my attention. It’s about Roman and Iris who work together as journalists in the fantasy town of Oath competing with each other for a promotion. A war between gods rages on in the distance—a war that Iris’s brother left to fight in. Because of a magical connection, the letters which Iris writes to her brother have made their way to Roman who one day decides to write her back, but she doesn’t know that the boy she connects with over those letters is actually her rival.

In Divine Rivals, you’ll hear the clicking of a typewriter. You’ll feel the slight bumps of the train you’re on. You’ll see the perilous front lines of a dangerous war. You’ll taste the warm tea the characters are sipping. You’ll smell the ink still fresh on the paper of a newly delivered love letter. The book is a special mix of happy, cozy moments as well as terrifying, heart-racing ones.

I absolutely loved the relationships between Iris and Roman. Their banter is so fun to watch, and every moment between them was electric. I never wanted them to be apart because the book was so much better when they were together. The other characters were interesting enough, but none of them really caught my attention.

The beginning of the book didn’t feel much like a fantasy, it was more like a made up town in the past. While I loved that setting in Oath, it did make some of the fantasy aspects kind of strange because I would forget that I was reading a fantasy. As well as that, the myths and lore of the war tended to bore me because I didn’t care about that as much as I did the two main characters. However, as the book progressed, it dove into the fantasy much more, and I really enjoyed it. I thought the pacing was pretty good and even in the moments where not as much was happening, I was still very invested.

Overall, the book is not without its flaws, but it’s still an excellent read. I loved the settings, the writing, and the main characters a lot!

Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name
Bella B.
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