Book Review: The Titan's Curse

Title of Book
Riordan, Rick
4 stars = Really Good

In the third installment to the beloved Percy Jackson series, we reunite with Percy and friends once again, in another harrowing quest. When the goddess Artemis is believed to have been kidnapped, after a mysterious disappearance, it's up to Percy and the gang to find her before the Winter Solstice, where Artemis' vote on the Olympian council may just determine the fate of the war between the titans. Additionally, Percy is also tasked with finding the monster who Artemis was supposedly hunting before her disappearance--a monster that may have the ability to destroy Olympus.
Just as the other two novels thus far, The Titan's Curse is another exciting and suspenseful addition to the Percy Jackson saga. The anticipation of seeing how each and every book builds up to the other and seeing how the story begins to reach its climax is very exciting. The Titan's Curse details into more of Percy and Annabeth's dynamic, and we see other new characters being brought to the spotlight. As always, I was entertained by many of the Greek mythology references sprinkled throughout the book, and how Riordan puts his own spin on these old myths. I also enjoyed, like in the other two books, how we were slowly able to watch how everything begins to unfold, and how new information is brought to light. Because of The Titan's Curse, and its other two counterparts, I am eager to see how the series will reach its finale, and how everything we've learned so far builds up to the climax of the series. Overall, Riordan crafts another thrilling addition to his series, and I am eager to learn more about Percy's future adventures.

Reviewer Grade: 11

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