Book Review: Turtles All the Way Down

Title of Book
Green, John
4 stars = Really Good

Turtles All the Way Down is John Green's latest release. Aza Holmes struggles with anxiety every day. She discovers that the multi-millionaire father of one of her old friends, Davis Pickett, has disappeared. Because of this, Aza and Davis reconnect with each other. I believe that as many people as possible should read Turtles All the Way Down. John Green does a fantastic job of, to some degree, describing what it is like to struggle with mental illness. As someone who struggles with anxiety myself, I found that Aza and I had many thoughts in common. Even if you don't have depression or anxiety or OCD or another mental illness, I would still highly recommend this novel. If you have ever wondered how it feels, Green does a fantastic job of making Aza's trouble relate-able. I loved the range of emotion in the book, from happiness, to fear, to feeling forgotten, to feeling love, John Green has described them all. Though not one of the best books I have ever read, in order to have empathy for more people and their situations, I recommend this novel.

Reviewer's Name
Hannah H.