
Book Review: Experiments with Movement

Claybourne, Anna
3 stars = Pretty Good

Check out the amazing experiments in Experiments with Movement by Anna Claybourne. You’ll learn to use everyday materials to make things fly and zoom! You’ll learn the basics of how things move, the basics of vehicle transportation. You’ll also be environmentally friendly as you reuse and recycle materials. Will you make a balloon-powered car, an air-powered rocket, or maybe an air blaster? Check out this book and get started!

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Becoming

Obama, Michelle
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The book is compelling and Michelle is a very interesting read. It's refreshingly honest and shows their true struggles. And I can relate to how she feels about politics. Michelle is grounded and illuminating giving the book a lot of value.

Reviewer's Name
Cheryl T.

Book Review: Venomous

Wilcox, Christie
4 stars = Really Good

Explore the effects of many venoms and venomous animals from across the world and their interactions with humans from the stunningly potent bullet ant to the awesomely efficient komodo dragon in this nonfiction exploration of various creatures' venoms. The author does a commendable job of portraying dangerously venomous animals in ways to give them well earned respect andf fear, rather than just fear mongering. The book follows some of the author's experiences and the experiences of others to accurately show how the animals behave and how their venoms act in a personable method. The author also describes how the different venoms work in a scientific approach with her personal experiences with stings, providing multiple perspectives on the effects of certain venoms. Overall, I enjoyed how the author provided multiple perspectives of different animals and how she showed how dangerous some animals are while instilling respect for said animals. I would recommend this to anyone who has attended college level biology courses who want to study the venoms of certain animals due to the use of more advanced terminology.

Reviewer's Name
Gabriel P

Book Review: Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Rovelli, Carlo
4 stars = Really Good

This book is an informative and very useful guide to several aspects of physics, ranging from relativity to the various theories surrounding the very fabric of our universe. Anyone reading this should, however, have some background information to basic physics as this book covers some basics surrounding more complex concepts of physics such as quanta and time. The author simplifies the concepts down and organizes them into seven lessons that become progressively more complex or confusing so I would suggest any potential readers to not skip around the book. I rather enjoy the progression of the book and how the author made the complex theories understandable to the average person who is interested in the more confusing concepts of physics. I would recomend this to anyone who wants to understand more about physics and get an small taste of the most complex ideas of physics.

Reviewer's Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name
Gabriel P

Book Review: My Journey to the Stars

Kelly, Scott
3 stars = Pretty Good

This Biography Reader tells us the story of Scott Kelly, one of the two brothers that have flown in space for NASA. He tells stories of growing up and how problems and experiences in his youth prepared him for his travels into space. He tells us about his year at the International Space Station including how he lived and the work he did. Be prepared to be inspired to reach for your own dreams!

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Cozy Life

Edberg, Pia
4 stars = Really Good

It's so easy to get caught up in daily life and, in my case, neuroses. The Danish concept of hygge offers a way to enjoy the simple things by making an change to coziness. It's a conscious change and can be applied to all walks of life. Now I find myself asking if something is hygge throughout the day. I plan to use some of the suggestions, such as keeping a clean, cozy house, thinking more positive, and restarting my gratitude journal. Good book.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Honeymoon Effect

Lipton, Bruce H.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In his book The Honeymoon Effect, Dr. Bruce Lipton speaks about the cellular effects of love. He teaches readers that what the brain interprets as being in love, or loving someone very deeply, causes a cascade effect of enhanced cellular healing, release of a higher level of positive chemicals throughout the body, and a notable increase in general well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. After reviewing the science behind the emotion of love and its effects, Dr. Lipton teaches readers how to create more love in their lives. Thus, he makes the case that they can create happier, healthier lives for themselves and those they care about through fostering this important emotion.
I enjoyed this book for its sensible science, interesting premise, and useable teachings. I would recommend this book to readers age 16 and up who wish to gain a greater understanding of the science of the emotion of love.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: EFT

Evans, Janet
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In her book EFT, Janet Evans describes one of science's biggest breakthroughs in stress-relief: the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. EFT is a method of processing and releasing emotions which combines the latest in modern psychology with Eastern acupressure points. Research has shown that by describing what one's emotions are, or the problem being experienced and how it makes one feel, while tapping on a series of acupressure points, the cortisol response in the body is significantly reduced.
After describing what EFT is and how to do this stress-relief technique, Ms. Evans provides readers with a list of 10 experiments to try in stress-relief to prove that, as she says, "Your mind creates your life." This book is interactive, with the experiment portions comprising most of the book. After a brief introduction to each challenge by giving the scientific backing for it, Ms. Evans invites readers to try for themselves and see how their mind helps them create, or re-create, their life.
I enjoyed this book. Ms. Evans's writing style is concise, clear, and her EFT experiments are enjoyable as well as helpful. This book is useful for all ages, as stress-relief is important for everyone.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: E2

Grout, Pam
4 stars = Really Good

E2 is a book about the fusion of the common wisdom of positive thinking with modern-day science. The premise Mrs. Grout lays out for readers begins with her book's prologue, Albert Einstein's famous theorem e = mc2 (energy = mass* the speed of light)(squared). In her book, Mrs. Grout presents the scientific energetic evidence for why actions such as positive thought so incredibly shape people's lives. By teaching readers how easy it is to influence the energies around them thorough positive thought and belief, she shows how to change one's life for the better.

I enjoyed this book very much, because it is so inspirational and helpful in creating a more positive life. I would recommend this book to any reader looking to influence their life positively. The age range appropriate would be from 15 to any adult age.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D

Book Review: The Tapping Solution

Ortner, Nick
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In his book "The Tapping Solution", Nick Ortner introduces readers to a valuable tool for, as he says, "stress-free living". While unfortunately, no life is free from stress, the Tapping Solution (or EFT) is a method in which modern psychology is combined with eastern acupressure points on the face, chest, underarms, and hand to release stress when tapped upon them. Why does this method work? Multiple studies have shown that one of the greatest benefits of acupuncture and acupressure is cortisol reduction in the body (the stress hormone). When tapping these EFT points while saying aloud the emotion one is experiencing, the cortisol has been shown to significantly drop in the body.
This has multiple applications, as Mr. Ortner goes on to explain, including aid with anxiety relief, stress relief, and even help for those days that don't go right. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to reduce the stress in their life and re-wire their brain.

Reviewer's Name
Rebecca D