Programs for Children Ages 0 - 5
Whether you are preparing for a new arrival or engaging your little one in learning, PPLD has something for every family!
Explore our programs below or you can also refer to our Parenting Subject Guide for more resources.

Baby Time (0 - 12 months)
Songs, rhymes, and stories for babies ages 0 - 12 months, and their parents or caregivers. Play and social time follow each interactive session. Space is limited.

Toddler Time (1 - 2 years)
Songs, rhymes, stories, and fun for toddlers ages 1 – 2, and their parents or caregivers. Space is limited.

Storytime (3 - 7 years)
Stories and more for children ages 3 – 7 and their parents or caregivers.

Bilingual Storytime/Hora del cuentos bilingües (3 - 7 years/años)
Songs, rhymes, and stories for children ages 3 – 7 and their parents or caregivers. / Canciones, rimas, y cuentos para niños de 3 a 7 años y sus padres o cuidadores. Este programa se presenta en español e inglés.
Explore Bilingual Storytime/Hora de cuentos bilingües events

Sensory Storytime (3 - 12 years)
Join us for an interactive storytime designed to include children with learning and sensory differences. Ideal for children ages 3 – 12 and their parents or caregivers. All abilities are welcome. Registration required.

Create & Play (1 - 5 years)
Creative and playful adventures with art for children ages 1 – 5 and their parents or caregivers. Be sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting messy.

Stay & Play (1 - 5 years)
Open-ended play for children ages 1 – 5 and their parents or caregivers. Meet new friends and play together with fun toys that enhance early learning skills.

LENA Start
LENA Start is an eight-week program that helps parents with children 0 - 32 months increase back-and-forth talk.

Prenatal Series
Join PPLD and Nurse-Family Partnership for a six-week series of prenatal classes. The series is offered three times per year.