Authors of the Pikes Peak Region: Browse by Title

  1. “Let’s Play a Game” (short story in Space and Time Magazine, Spring 2017)
  2. “Love: The Eternal Home” (creative nonfiction in Creations Magazine, 2002)
  3. “Love: The Eternal Home” (creative nonfiction in Moondance Magazine, 2002)
  4. “Made in the Shade” (in Arizona Republic, June 9, 2001)
  5. “Mergirl in Morning” (poem in Merfolk Anthology, forthcoming Dec. 2023)
  6. “Mischling.” Nonwhite and Woman: 131 Micro Essays on Being in the World. Eds. D…
  7. “Monsoon Disco Days and Nights” (in Chandler Heights Monthly, Sep. 1999)
  8. “Outsiders and Others: Revisiting Richard Wright’s Underground Man.” Connection…
  9. “Savta” (creative nonfiction in Long Term Care Interface, 2006)