Authors of the Pikes Peak Region: Browse by Title

  1. “Sonny’s Blues.” Encyclopedia of the Black Arts Movement. Ed. Verner D. Mitchel…
  2. “Sound Advice” (short story in Bloodbound, May 2016)
  3. “Spoken Without Words” (creative nonfiction in Long Term Care Interface, 2006)
  4. “Sticks and Stones” [genealogical article] (in We the Italians, n.d.)
  5. “Such a Cat” (poem in US Represented, July 2014)
  6. “The Importance of Self-Defense” (short story in Bloodbond magazine, 2019)
  7. “The Kelpie’s Shadow” (poem in Merfolk Anthology, forthcoming Dec. 2023)
  8. “The Longest Term of Care” (creative nonfiction in Long Term Care Interface, 20…