Concrete Rose tells the story of 17-year-old Maverick Carter who is a member of a gang, the King Lords, in Garden Heights. Maverick's life was going smoothly until one day when he found out he was going to become a teen father. This book takes readers through the journey of Maverick trying to balance his fatherhood, social life, and gang activity all at once. Angie Thomas does a beautiful job of describing the difficulties of parenthood and the devastation of gang violence while still entertaining her readers and making us feel a connection to the characters. Concrete Rose has become one of my favorite stories because it sparks emotional responses throughout the entire book and feels extremely authentic to the issues discussed. This story is also a prequel to Angie Thomas's best-selling book, The Hate U Give, as Maverick is the father of Starr, the main character of T.H.U.G. It's riveting to see Maverick's story and how he becomes the man he needed to be in order to raise his daughter.