Book Review: The Traitor Queen

Jensen, Danielle L.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

After unknowingly betraying her new homeland of Ithicana to her father, Lara has been thrown into exile by Aren, the king of Ithicana, and her husband. When she hears that Aren has been captured and imprisoned by her father, Lara knows that she has to get him back. Both because Ithicana is doomed to fall without Aren in command, and because she needs his forgiveness, even if that means he won't take her back. Rallying her sisters together, Lara sets out to free Aren and ultimately kill her tyrannical father. She will die a hundred times over if it means protecting Ithicana and Aren.

I was so excited to read this sequel to The Bridge Kingdom, and it didn't disappoint! I was hooked from the very beginning and kept on edge with every page. I especially enjoyed the development of Lara and Aren's relationship, and the important lesson it taught about forgiveness and focusing on the future rather than the past. Although the third and final book of the trilogy shifts away from Lara and Aren, I'm still very excited to read it!

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