Book Review: The Brothers Hawthorne

Title of Book
Barnes, Jennifer Lynn
4 stars = Really Good

The Brothers Hawthorne is an extension of the Inheritance Games trilogy about the brothers Grayson and Jameson. After the events of the main series, Jameson gets a call from his biological father to break in to an infamous casino in London. Grayson on the other hand, gets called to Phoenix to break his half sister out of jail and prevent her from and her twin sister, from gaining valuable information.

This book was very good! The inheritance games is an amazing series, but it was so interesting to hear the brothers’ point of views and their own adventures. This book brings back old mysteries and unanswered questions from the final book of the inheritance games series that I totally forgot about! Jennifer Lynn Barnes is also writing another book that will take place after this one bringing a new story and mystery. The brothers were very funny in this book and it was so much fun to read it from their perspective! If you liked the inheritance games is this absolutely a book you should read!

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