
Book Review: White Tiger

Chan, Kylie
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Kylie Chan mixes modern life with traditional Chinese mythology in her enthralling tale. The story follows Emma, a nanny for a young girl of a wealthy business man living in Hong Kong. As Emma becomes more and more connected with her charge, she become more entangled with a mystery that surrounds the household. She soon discovers that her employer is an ancient Chinese God, and is pursued by demonic forces. Kylie Chan writes with a faced-pace adventurous quality that keeps readers on their feet.
(Reviewer Grade: 12)

Reviewer's Name
Lynzie M.

Book Review: The Wise Man's Fear

Rothfuss, Patrick
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A Wise Man's Fear is the second installment of the KingKiller Chronicles following The Name of the Wind. Rothfuss continues Kvothe's tale as he learns to navigate new worlds and new relationships. Unlike many sequels, A Wise Man's Fear is not lacking in adventure or astute characters. Having left the university, Kvothe faces assassination plots, powerful fey, and a trial by powerful mercenaries. In this book, we really see Kvothe become a hero and stretch his legend across the four corners of civilization. Rothfuss writes with the same dexterity as seen previously, and he always leaves you wanting more.
(Reviewer Grade: 12)

Reviewer's Name
Lynzie M.

Book Review: The Name of the Wind

Rothfuss, Patrick
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Name of the Wind follows the story of Kvothe, a highly clever, not so childish kid who faces perils uncommon in this world and the next. Name of the Wind is not just another coming-of-age story. Rothfuss weaves an incredible story of intrigue. This book, while a little daunting at first, is worth every page. The use of language is masterful and Rothfuss manages to keep readers engaged every step of the way.
(Reviewer Grade: 12)

Reviewer's Name
Lynzie M.

Book Review: The Ask and the Answer

Ness, Patrick
4 stars = Really Good

The Ask and the Answer is the second book of Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking series. In this continuation, we see the original characters Todd and Viola venture farther from home as they try to outrun the lies of their previous lives. This book is a wonderful mix of brilliant, sad, courageous, and painful. As soon as I finished this book, all I wanted to do was pick up the next one. Ness's writing style is unique, and the characters are relatable and real. The events that transpire throughout The Ask and the Answer provoke a wide range of emotions, which makes it engaging. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who has read the first Chaos Walking book, which is called The Knife of Never Letting Go.
Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name
Sabrina J.

Book Review: The Maze Runner

Dashner, James
3 stars = Pretty Good

Partly due to the success of The Hunger Games , the Young Adult genre swerved into the survival/sci-fi/dystopian genres that also allowed The Maze Runner to have a ready and willing audience. With this being the case, I’d almost say The Maze Runner has more utopian sensibilities since the narrative encourages teamwork for survival, instead of a “winner take all” emphasis presented in The Hunger Games that valued selfish ambitions over communistic altruism. Plus, if you put 50 teenage boys in a box with no adult supervision, I think the logical conclusion would be more along the lines of Lord of the Flies instead of solving a deadly maze.

While the premise was interesting and allowed for a constant and steady pacing of inciting events, I felt there was not enough explanation in this first part of the trilogy, with very few questions being answered by the end and a lot of hand-waving to push the characters forward to a conclusion. In fact, having seen the movie adaptation, I was hoping the book was better suited to explain the ending, but it was equally as confusing. That being said, there were key elements in the book (like the telepathy) that didn’t make it into the movie.

Overall, the few main characters in The Maze Runner were interesting and unique, even if it took some of them two years to even figure out the simplest parts of the maze. Still, fear can be a huge hindrance toward progress, so I guess I understand their predicament. Additionally, despite using a euphemistic system of swears as part of the characters’ unique jargon, I couldn’t help but think that this book would have been a lot more inappropriate for a young adult audience if the actual swear words were used instead.

An interesting premise with engaging characters, I give The Maze Runner 3.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin M. Weilert

Book Review: Six of Crows

Bardugo, Leigh
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This takes place in the same universe as Bardugo's other series, The Grisha Trilogy, but with different characters. It follows Kaz Brekker, a criminal prodigy who is offered to pull off the heist of a lifetime: to break into the Ice Court (which has never been breached) to rescue a hostage. He puts together a team of five other outcasts, which includes Inej Ghafa, a silent spy, Nina, a Grisha, Matthias, a convict, Jesper, a gunslinger, and Wylan, a runaway, to help break into the Ice Court. Keep in mind, my description of the characters is incredibly weak and do them no justice.
While the heist itself is brilliantly written and thrilling to read with twists and turns, this is a very character driven story, and these are incredibly well written characters. They each have their own voices, thoughts, feelings, way of expressing emotions, motivations, and backstories.
They are so complex and feel so real. While this book takes a while to get into (due to some confusing terminology) I got the hang of the world building reasonably well, it just took a bit. This is a very unique world, and along with the characters, makes for a strong, compelling, beautifully written read that makes me desperate to find the next book.

Reviewer's Name
Kate D.

Book Review: The Scorch Trials

Dashner, James
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The first installment of James Dashner’s post-apocalyptic trilogy, entitled “The Maze Runner” has been hailed by critics around the globe as a ground-breaking and masterfully crafted novel. Dashner managed to exceed the status quo with his alluring and mysterious story. Now with the second installment to the series having been released, readers are begging the question, “Does ‘The Scorch Trials’
live up to the expectations set by Dashner’s previous novel?” Well, after having read and thoroughly reflected upon the novel, I am pleased to say that this book did a wonderful job of transitioning the narrative forward!

The narrative picks up where the last left off, with Thomas and the rest of the ‘Gladers’ having discovered that they bear participation to a sick experiment, hosted by leaders of a post-apocalyptic world. Thomas must come to terms with this truth, while also trying to discover more information about the strange reality he is now confronted with.

One of the most signature characteristics of Dashner’s novels are the unpredictable plotlines. It always seems that there is information hanging above the reader’s foresight, with twists and turns following each turn of the page. The grand puzzle of the Maze is yet to be solved in its entirety, so as the narrative continues, readers are left to form their own speculations.
However, that’s not to say that Dashner doesn’t leave clues for readers to catch. His use of foreshadowing is masterful, and its application in his writing makes for a wonderful reading experience.

I would certainly recommend continuing onto this read from the last, as the world first introduced by Dashner in the last novel is expanded upon in wonderful and creative ways. Whether you enjoyed the first installment for its enthralling plot, or its mysterious narrative, you’ll be pleased with Dashner’s continuation of the story, as it has brought a whole new level of masterpiece to his trilogy.

Reviewer's Grade Level: 10

Reviewer's Name
Ethan M.

Book Review: The Angel Experiment

Patterson, James
3 stars = Pretty Good

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment" by James Patterson is about a group of kids (called the Flock for their avian abilities) who were experimented on, but escaped. When one of their own is kidnapped, they go on a mission to get her back. I found the concept of this book interesting, and the characters had a lot of potential, but I feel there was an element missing from the story. Max, the protagonist, didn't seem to develop throughout the book. Nor did her love interest Fang. There were parts of this story that didn't make sense plot-wise either. But, I don't regret reading it
-- it's a fun adventurous story with lots of humor. I'd still recommend it regardless.

Reviewer's Name
Gillian P.

Book Review: Carve the Mark

Roth, Veronica
2 stars = Meh

Carve the Mark" is by Veronica Roth, author of the Divergent series.
I really liked the Divergent books, but I felt this book wasn't quite as gripping as her previous work. The plot was slow-moving, especially in the beginning. I also found the world confusing, it was difficult to keep track of it all. The characters, I felt, were also a little one-dimensional. It had potential, but I felt it didn't live up to it. I'd recommend reading the Divergent books instead. Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name
Gillian P.

Book Review: Jane, Unlimited

Cashore, Kristin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Jane's parents died when she was quite young, but she never felt like an orphan due to the amazing parenting skills of her quirky Aunt Magnolia. When Aunt Magnolia heads off to a photography expedition to Antartica never to return, Jane feels unmoored. She drops out of college and continues her dead end job at the university bookstore. When a surprise visit from an old friend results in an invitation to a mysterious mansion, Tu Reviens, Jane jumps on the chance to experience something new. Not only that, but Aunt Magnolia has told her to NEVER turn down an opportunity to visit the enigmatic island retreat, and Jane is eager to learn more about Magnolia's connection to the place.

That was a hard synopsis to write, as this is a book that somewhat defies description. The book starts off as kind of an Agatha Christie meets Jane Eyre meets John Fowler's the Magus, and then quickly turns into an almost Whitehead inspired choose your own adventure. Jane makes the same choice several times with different consequences each time, and the result is a compilation of strange, horrifying, thrilling and delightful stories and plot twists. Cashore's storytelling abilities are on full display here as she seamlessly weaves together a number of different genres. Character development, while it seems like it would be secondary, is also an integral part of the story. I loved all of the side characters (some of them almost eclipse Jane), and would read an entire book about almost any of them.

Jane, Unlimited is a book that I'll reread in a year or so, because there was a lot of intricate plotting and connections that I'm sure that I missed. I actually don't think I've ever read something quite like this, and that's saying something because I read a lot. The unique format of the book was attractive to me, though I can see it being frustrating for some readers; it's not until Jane makes her second choice that you really start to realize what is happening. If you read this book (and you should), I'd say just relax and enjoy the ride - it's a wonderfully weird one. I can't wait to see the art in the final copy, as I think that the right images before certain stories will add to the peculiar ambiance that permeates the book.

The ending felt both forced and rushed to me, but I think I'll enjoy it more the second time around (as I said earlier, this book practically demands to be reread). I almost loved this one, and now I really can't wait to see what Cashore comes up with next. 4.5 stars.

I received a free copy of this eBook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Reviewer's Name