
Book Review: The Sword of Shannara

Brooks, Terry
3 stars = Pretty Good

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before: an unassuming character is given the task to use a magical item to destroy a great evil that once terrorized the world. To help this character on their quest is their best friend, a magic-wielding individual, a ranger with a love interest, a dwarf, and some elves. Look, I get that The Lord of the Rings redefined the fantasy genre in the 1950’s, but why were fantasy writers still replicating this formula twenty years later? I only half-paid attention to this derivative plot, mostly because I already had an idea what was going to happen.

Now, I will admit that The Sword of Shannara isn’t completely a 1-for-1 rehashing of The Lord of the Rings, but enough of it is similar that it feels almost too familiar. The plot does divert from the Tolkien formula, but probably not until about halfway through. It was at this point where some interesting and original characters finally arrived on the scene. A mute rock troll and his thieving friend were quite entertaining, and I would almost prefer if the story was about them instead of about this titular and fabled sword of legend.

Just enough of this book was different enough to make it engaging. Sure, some of the same Lord of the Rings plot points were there, albeit in a different order, but the details were just unique enough to give the characters their own little side quests. I know it 's hard to introduce an entire fantasy world in one book, so I’m willing to give this trilogy a bit of slack, but only as long as the next book in the series goes in a new and original direction and doesn’t just follow the Lord of the Rings template.

Moments of originality in a mostly derivative plot, I give The Sword of Shannara 2.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin M. Weilert

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you have not read this book please...DO! This is a fantasy/adventure book that is unpredictable. It does have a cliffhanger at the end. It is the fifth book out of a seven book series. This book will make a lot more sense if you read all the books in order. While some parts of the story may be relatable to the reader (teen drama and romance) other parts aren't relatable to the reader. It is one of the best books I have read this year so far!
Reviewer Grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you love fantasy/adventure books PLEASE READ THIS BOOK! This is such an awesome book! It is not predictable and contains a cliffhanger at the end.
Some of the characters’ drama is relatable to the reader (such as the teenager dating scene). This is the fourth book in a seven book series. The books will make a lot more sense if you read the books in order. This was definitely one of the best books I have read this year!
Reviewer Grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” is an amazing book to read. It is a fantasy book with some adventure in it. It is the third book in a seven book series. The story will make a lot more sense if you read the books in order. This book is not predictable and does not have a cliffhanger. However, there are some parts of the book that will leave you on the edge of your seat in suspense. Some of the characters are relatable to the reader but the story isn't at all. This was one of the best books I have ever read!
Reviewer Grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” is another great book to read.
It is the second book in a seven book series. I recommend reading the books in order, so the story makes a lot more sense. For people that enjoy fantasy and adventure books this is a great book for you! This book is full of surprises and cliff-hangers to the reader. The story isn't relatable to the reader however some of the characters are. This is another great book I have read this year!
Reviewer Grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is a great book to read. This is the first book in a seven book series. If you like fantasy and adventure books this is a great book for you! This book is completely unpredictable with many twists and turns. Some of the characters are relatable to the reader but the story isn’t relatable at all. This is one of the best books I have read all year!
Reviewer Grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: The Alchemist

Coelho, Paulo
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I first picked up this book when I was in maybe 6th grade and I absolutely hated it, I had no clue what it was about and why it was an "adventure" book that didn't really have a lot of action in it. Having picked up this book again this year (and actually finishing it this time) I can honestly say this story made me want to reevaluate how I have lived my entire life. The story follows a boy named Santiago as he searches for his personal legend, in other words, the reason he is alive, his purpose. This is a book that makes you want to go out and chase your dreams no matter what, and it is beautifully written. The novel takes you through the ups and downs of life and proves that sometimes your hard work is worth it in the end, whether you accomplish what you set out to do out not. I think this is a book where the messaged can’t be fully realized until your a little bit older, but to anyone struggling with what they want to do in life or even just where to start, this book is amazing, it made me feel like anything is possible. Just read it, I promise it’s good.

Reviewer: Grade 11

Reviewer's Name
Gabrielle K.

Book Review: Ghostly Echoes

Ritter, William
4 stars = Really Good

Ghostly Echoes is the third book in the Jackaby series. It covers the death of the resident ghost of 926 Augur Lane, Jenny Cavanaugh. She was murdered ten years ago, and her fiancé (a scientist involved with some suspicious
people) disappeared. She has hired Abigail and Jackaby to investigate her death. But when a similar crime happens, they realize Jenny's case is connected.
Because of the fact that this not only deals with the murder of a liked character, but also includes peeks into Jackaby's past and how he became the seer, this is the darkest book in the Jackaby series. But it also has plenty of humor, mainly in the bantor between Jackaby and Abigail. They feel like The Doctor and their companion from Doctor Who, if they had to take up the role of Holmes and Watson for a day. This also tackles a whole new part of the world building. This always had folklore involved, but now it includes mythology.
As good as this was, there were some problems. I feel like this book series needs more details; I can't see the character's faces all that well. Also, it is implied that Jackaby has feelings for Jenny, which I think needed much more foreshadowing. I only got close friend vibes from them in the first two books. And the side characters still needed some development; they were important parts in the book, but they didn't make much of an impact on me.
Overall, I think this was the best book in the series thus far, and sets up the events for the fourth (and final) book well.

Reviewer's Name
Kate D.

Book Review: Throne of Glass

Maas, Sarah J.
1 star = Yuck!

Throne of Glass does not fulfill the promises it makes on the back of its dust jacket. Celaena is an assassin, the best assassin in the world, who got a life sentence of hard labor in a mine. But Celaena is nothing like an experienced or smart assassin. She’s reckless, overly arrogant, easily frustrated, and vain; she would rather gape at herself wearing fancy dresses in the mirror, sleep in, eat candy, get angry over her lack of skill at billiards, or read all night than worry over a competition that she knows her life depends upon. A good protagonist could have some of these features, but it is just illogical for someone in her position. In fact, the book soon starts skipping over the competitions entirely to focus more on Celaena, who does nothing to seem either cool or likable. She never acts like an assassin or like her supposed inspiration character, Cinderella. Celaena has very little to no humility, grace, or compassion. Celaena is neither a compelling assassin nor a charming Cinderella.
Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name
Caroline J.

Book Review: Warbreaker

Sanderson, Brandon
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

For the last few years, Brandon Sanderson’s name kept coming up amongst my writer friends. I had never heard of him, but they had been fans of his writing for some time. In my goal to read all the unread books I own, I found that I had obtained a Brandon Sanderson book many years ago as a prize during my first National Novel Writing Month. Even with the daunting page count, I decided to give Warbreaker a read. All I can say is that it was refreshing to finally read a fantasy book written by someone who genuinely knows what they’re doing.

I’ve read a lot of books recently that I would consider “amateur,” but Sanderson proves he’s a professional in this tightly written book. From incredibly interesting and entertaining characters to expertly placed foreshadowing to a fascinating magic system, Warbreaker is fully original while also maintaining the tropes and structure of a high fantasy novel. The twists in the plot continued to grab my attention as the mystery surrounding these characters unfolded. As I read, I had a few qualms with minor points in the story, but Sanderson managed to quash these negative points by the end of the book.

I have stayed away from the fantasy genre for a long time because I know how lengthy some of these book series can be, and I didn’t want to become invested in something that might not even reach its penultimate conclusion.
Fortunately, Warbreaker is well-encapsulated in its own, standalone story.
Sure, there are hints at what the future may hold for some of these characters, but nothing was particularly pressing or “cliffhanger-ish” in this book. Either way, consider me a believer in the fantasy genre, and in Sanderson particularly. Maybe now it’s time I started to dive into his other works.

An original and highly entertaining fantasy story, I give Warbreaker 5.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin M. Weilert