Book Review: By Your Side

Title of Book
West, Kasie
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you didn't already guess from the title yes, this is a romance book. It is realistic fiction and isn't part of a series. It is a pretty short read. With heartbreaks, lies, high school drama and some hospital visits this book will be hard to put down. The book is a little predictable but it isn't your typical love story. This is another great book I have read this year.

Reviewer grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: On the Fence

Title of Book
West, Kasie
4 stars = Really Good

This is a realistic fiction-romance novel. The book is a little predictable and doesn't have a cliffhanger. The book isn't part of a series and is a pretty short read. I recommend this book to any girl who enjoys realistic highschool love stories. I really liked this book and I think it is a great book to read.

Reviewer grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name
Elizabeth C.

Book Review: Gifted

Title of Book
Evangelista, Beth
4 stars = Really Good

An eighth grade school camping trip is may sound fun but is dreaded by George Clark. What is he going to learn? He already knows more than the rest of his grade. Little does George know this camping tip will teach a lot more than he expects. He faces friend trouble, a terrible teacher, bullying and more on this trip. I really liked that the author made the book written by the character. Anita's kind and caring attitude toward George made me fall in love with the book. What I really like was the ending and how it worked out. This book is a must read because the author shows a unique perspective.
Not only that but the author shows wonderful character development.

Reviewer's Name
McKenzie W.

Book Review: The Kite Runner

Title of Book
Hosseini, Khaled
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In an odd twist, I haven’t actually seen the movie this book was based on before I started reading it. Sure, I was aware The Kite Runner was a notable book, but I knew little about it other than the peripheral knowledge that comes from seeing an occasional movie trailer. About five years ago, I found this book for cheap at a bookstore and decided to pick it up on a whim. Now that I’ve finally read it, I’m glad I bought it those many years ago.
Unquestionably, it deserved the notoriety it received, as it is a well-written and engaging story.

I’ll admit that there is much I don’t know about the specifics of Afghanistan and Islam. This book certainly opened my eyes to a lot of things I had suspected, but could never confirm. First of all: men are awful. I’m a man myself, but I’m ashamed that so much of human misery is linked to the pride that distorts any of us into racists, sexists, and/or terrorists. While it was likely just a result of correctly depicting a patriarchal culture, The Kite Runner shines a harsh light on the hypocrisy of a fair number of men, most of whom only ascribe to these long-held “ideals” because it helps them maintain power and cover their insecurities.

The emotional heart of the story lies with the relationship between Amir and Hassan. By the end of the book, while I found the “twists” to be logical and almost predictable, they still elicited an emotional response from me. In fact, I almost would have thought this book to be a true story, were it not for the plot being just slightly too convenient at times. Sure, The Kite Runner made me mad that such thinking existed/still exists, but the fact that it caused me feel so strongly about it proves how effective its storytelling is.

A modern classic filled with timeless lessons, I give The Kite Runner 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin M. Weilert

Book Review: Testimony

Title of Book
Shreve, Anita
4 stars = Really Good

Testimony by Anita Shreve is about a scandal at a local college-prep called Avery. It takes us through the events that led up to the scandal in an intriguing and intense way. The characters are beautifully written, which makes this book all the more tragic. Shreve takes an inhuman event an connects us to it through lovable characters, many different perspectives, and tough ethical dilemmas. Though this book is heart-wrenching, I strongly recommend it for Shreve's lucid writing.
Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name
Sabrina J.

Book Review: Less Than Zero

Title of Book
Ellis, Bret Easton
4 stars = Really Good

Less than Zero is a 1985 book that reveals the reality and hardships of being a teenager in Los Angeles. Though the majority of the kids in this book are filthy rich and spoiled, their lives are quite depressing.
This book is not for the faint of heart. However, it is extremely well-written and very evocative. Ellis does not hold anything back in writing this, which is part of my appreciation for it. The characters are hauntingly complex yet dry, which serves this book perfectly. I recommend Less than Zero because it feels real, and the bleak tone is very thought-provoking.

Reviewer's Name
Sabrina J.

Book Review: Between Shades of Gray

Title of Book
Sepetys, Ruta
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is an amazing book. So stark and unforgiving, written exactly like Siberia and the arctic circle. This isn't an autobiography but it sounds like it could be. I have no doubt that Lina's circumstances happened to thousands during Stalin's reign. The writing was so realistic I could feel the wind and the cold and every terrible thing that came with it.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Sky Between You and Me

Alene, Catherine
4 stars = Really Good

At first, Raesha thinks she is an ordinary girl. She has a sweet, affectionate boyfriend and her best friend Asia. She loves horses, just like her mother did, before she passed away due to cancer. Everything seems normal until one day, a new girl moves into town, accidentally hurts Raesha's dog, flirts with her boyfriend, and steals her best friend! She suddenly fills with hatred and jealousy towards the new girl and the rest of her friends.
Then, having no one to support her, she starts despising herself until she does the unthinkable.
This story is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. The characters are very well developed and makes you attached to each and every one of them.
I was definitely able to relate to the main character, and many readers might relate with some situations in the book. I especially enjoyed the poetic style of the author, giving the story a nicer flow. I highly recommend you read this book. You won't regret it.

Reviewer's Name
Olivia Y.

Book Review: The First Four Years

Title of Book
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
4 stars = Really Good

The First Four Years is the last book in the Little House series. It does not read like a Little House Book. The style is completely different, which is probably because it was an unfinished manuscript which Rose, Laura’s daughter, never edited. A notable difference is that Laura never refers to Almanzo by his name; instead, she affectionately calls him “Manly.” Another thing that differs vastly here from the rest of the Little House books is the sheer amount of tragedy and hardship. At the end of the book everything goes wrong in a cascade of unfortunate tragedies. This book reminded me of Laura’s The Long Winter but without the rewarding change in fortune. The very end manages to be optimistic, but in real life things did not immediately get any better for Laura. However, if you are at all interested in the life of the remarkable Mrs. Wilder, this book is worth the read. I would recommend it not as a Little House book, but as more of an autobiography of the real Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name
Caroline J.

Book Review: Ghost

Title of Book
Reynolds, Jason
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Jason Reynolds (author) + Guy Lockhard* (narrator) = Magic

Castle Cranshaw, aka Ghost, has been running from things his whole life: his violent father, the consequences of altercations at school with a bully, and most of all, the anger that's been building up inside him. So Ghost has a ton of natural talent, which he puts to use when he inadvertently impresses the coach of a local track team. After the coach begs him to join, and Ghost reluctantly agrees, he begins to see that he might be happier if he runs towards something instead of away from everything.

I listened to this audiobook, and it was excellent. I really struggle with middle grade fiction, as I oftentimes have trouble identifying with the characters (I mean, middle school was a loooooooong time ago), but Reynolds took me right back to the thick of it. In a good way. The day-making/ruining things your classmates would say, interactions with adults in positions of authority, and not really being sure about who you are and what you want in life - Reynolds nails it all. Moreover, Ghost is just a straight up likable character, even as he makes poor decision after poor decision. We really get to see him grow over the course of the novel, and even as he does the wrong thing, his heart is usually in the right place. I loved his relationship with his mother, and later, with Coach. There aren't always positive adult relationships in fiction for young people, and so it was nice that Ghost had so many adults that he could turn to. The secondary characters were just as dynamic, and also had very serious problems of their own to deal with. I'd read a book about any of them. Shoot, I wanted to adopt most of them. As a runner myself (although I'm not competitive and do longer distances), I really liked that the book was about track as it's not a sport we read or hear a lot about. There's a bit about fartleks that was pretty hilarious, and I think runners (Land Sharks, anyone?) will find a lot to love here.

If you are looking for a book to listen to or read with your kids, this is a great one. There are loads of teachable moments, and it is ultimately a heartwarming tale of self-discovery. I couldn't get enough of it - 5 stars.

*Shout out to Guy Lockhard - he narrated the other Jason Reynolds book that I've listened to (All American Boys), and he is a fantastic narrator. It seems like Reynolds thinks so as well, because it looks like Lockhard will be narrating Reynolds' recently released book about Spiderman Miles Morales. I may have just put that on hold...

Reviewer's Name
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