
Book Review: Divergent

Roth, Veronica
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I picked this because the plot seemed very captivating, and it turns out it was! I also picked this because it was a different genre than what I normally read. The book kept me very hooked and contained many plot twists. Divergent has easily become one of my favorite books of all time.
The setting is a dystopian setting, in a post-apocalyptic era in Chicago. Society is divided into factions, which members stay in their whole lives after the Choosing Ceremony. Depending on which faction you are in, you abide by different rules. Tris Prior got an unusual result from her aptitude test, a dangerous result called Divergent. This means that she doesn’t belong to one faction. She transfers factions and does her best to keep her Divergence a secret, all the while making friends, and enemies, in her new faction. And then war breaks out, and suddenly, her Divergence comes in handy.
This book is absolutely amazing and kept me hooked the entire time. I was actually disappointed when I finished it because I wanted to keep reading, but it is one of the best books I have ever read.
Reviewer Grade: 8.

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Book Review: Circe

Miller, Madeline
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In a world where Titans and Olympians exist, Circe is born. Daughter of the sun god Helios and ocean nymph Perse, Circe is not as beautiful as her sister, or as powerful as her brothers. And having an unusual fascination for mortals, Circe is shunned and ignored by her family. After learning she is a witch, Circe is exiled to an unknown island where she will be a prisoner forever. There, Circe learns to hone her witchcraft, finds love, and learns that her divinity doesn't come from her immortality, but her will to live.

This author also wrote The Song of Achilles, and both books are so good! I loved all the references to Greek mythology and Circe's powerful perspective. Circe, of course, is my favorite character, and her growth from a meek push-over to a fiercely independent and resolute person was such a relief. If you like Greek mythology, romance, and coming-of-age, this book is perfect for you!

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Book Review: Anya and the Dragon

Pasternack, Sofiya
4 stars = Really Good

Anya and the Dragon is a captivating, magical book for any reader looking for a coming-of-age adventure tale. Anya, the only Jewish girl in her Russian village, is being evicted from her home because her family can’t afford to pay the anti-Semitic magistrate’s ridiculous fees. When a family claims they’ll pay her if she captures the last dragon in the region, Anya can’t resist the opportunity to help out her family. But it turns out, an evil Varangian warrior wants to use the dragon for nefarious purposes. I found it to be an incredibly unpredictable book, filled with plot twists and character development. I enjoyed seeing Anya change from a girl trying to make a living to a young woman determined to support her family. Although there were many characters that were difficult to keep track of, overall, this was a phenomenal book that kept me turning to the last page.
Reviewer: 8th Grade

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Book Review: Legendborn

Deonn, Tracy
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book has an amazing magical twist on the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. So, before I start this review, I want to warn y'all that it will be harder to catch on without that background knowledge. Now, onto the review!

This book, as above mentioned, has a twist on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But, this book also touches on some racial issues (all good and supportive), so I would definitely consider this a YA novel. The magic in this is somewhat hard to keep up with but again, stunning and creative. This book touches on the bloodlines of all the knights but there is also magic from other lines.

Bree just got into Early College with her best friend and is trying to escape her hometown - and the grief associated with it. Losing her mother has been harsh, and After Bree is starting to take over. But one chaotic night on her first day switches her college experience-for better or for worse.

Nick stepped into Bree's life as a mentor to help her get her adjusted, but ends up as a strong support system for her-and begins to depend on her for support as well. Nick Is a part of one of the most important bloodlines, but all he wants to do is escape it. Bree helps, but can you ever escape your destiny?

Speaking of Nick, Bre and Nick have a romantic relationship-which I think is kinda cute- but if that makes you uncomfortable then just put that into consideration. It is not excessive, like maybe a 5 out of 10, but it IS important to the plot. This book is stunning and will keep you up till midnight. Gripping, fun, and creative, this is the ideal book for anyone who likes fantasy!

Reviewer Grade: 8

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Book Review: Daughter of the Siren Queen

Levenseller, Tricia
4 stars = Really Good

After having recovered all three pieces of a map leading to legendary treasure, Alosa and her crew are leading a fleet and bringing the pirates that kept her captive to justice. But when her previous captor, Vordan, reveals a secret, Alosa and her crew find themselves in a deadly race against her father, the feared Pirate King. Calling upon her siren sisters of the sea, and her loyal pirates above on land, Alosa promises to end the tyranny of her father and become the Pirate Queen. Without a doubt, she knows that she will take her father down...she is, after all, the daughter of the Siren Queen.

This sequel to Daughter of the Pirate King didn't disappoint! It's very refreshing reading about a female pirate with a female crew that the best on the sea. Alosa is iconic for her wit, selflessness, and fierceness when defending her crew and those she loves. Her blooming relationship with Riden is neither too fast or too slow, and I liked how Alosa grew as a person more after meeting him. In the end, Alosa gets to keep both parts of herself--her siren side and her human nature--and it's the perfect ending to a new beginning.

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Book Review: Mistborn: The Final Empire

Sanderson, Brandon
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

To start off, I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy and feels like they need something harder than Shadow and Bone, or Legend. (both are great books btw there's reviews for those elsewhere) Slight disclaimer: it is more of a mature book than the two mentioned before. Still great. One of the reasons this book is so highly recommended by me is because I am a hardcore fantasy lover, and Brandon Sanderson has a way of creating fantasy universes in his books and making them intricate and complicated enough to make a good trilogy out of them... one of the best trilogies I have ever read. But enough ranting, onto the review.

The world where Mistborn takes place is known as Luthadel, and the whole realm is controlled by a mysterious figure known as the Lord Ruler. The social rankings are basic. Skaa (slaves, basically), peasants, and Noblemen. The only other possible social group is the Mistborn, who have magical powers... and only occur in noblemen. Mostly. Vin is a skaa who escaped from her plantation and was taken into one of the rebellions. Her brother was an influential character in her life- taught her not to trust anyone by betraying her himself. The one thing keeping her in this band of misfits is her "Luck", and the band leader realizes that things go better when she's around. But when her rebellion gets overthrown and she gets taken in to be trained as a Mistborn, that one rule she lived is becoming harder and harder to follow.

Kelsier's only goal is to overthrow Lord Ruler. He's the strongest Mistborn around... and maybe ever. He's the only known skaa Mistborn, and the entire crew depends on him. He leads his crew around, preaching his vision of freedom to skaa plantations, trying to get them to form his task force to make his dream come true. His crew of Mistings is slowly growing. One day, he runs into a girl who calls herself VIn, who seems to have Mistborn powers as well... without even realizing. Despite her reserved and untrustful exterior, she could, if trained properly, change his life... forever.

As you can see, the story of Mistborn is detailed and complicated, with social classes, characters, powers and so much more. I would highly encourage and recommend this book to any fantasy lover who is willing to embrace a challenge... and fall in love with it.
Reviewer Grade: 8

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Book Review: The Traitor Queen

Jensen, Danielle L.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

After unknowingly betraying her new homeland of Ithicana to her father, Lara has been thrown into exile by Aren, the king of Ithicana, and her husband. When she hears that Aren has been captured and imprisoned by her father, Lara knows that she has to get him back. Both because Ithicana is doomed to fall without Aren in command, and because she needs his forgiveness, even if that means he won't take her back. Rallying her sisters together, Lara sets out to free Aren and ultimately kill her tyrannical father. She will die a hundred times over if it means protecting Ithicana and Aren.

I was so excited to read this sequel to The Bridge Kingdom, and it didn't disappoint! I was hooked from the very beginning and kept on edge with every page. I especially enjoyed the development of Lara and Aren's relationship, and the important lesson it taught about forgiveness and focusing on the future rather than the past. Although the third and final book of the trilogy shifts away from Lara and Aren, I'm still very excited to read it!

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Book Review: Switch

King, A. S.
4 stars = Really Good

Switch is the story of a world where time has stopped. People keep moving, the sun keeps turning, but every single clock in the world is seemingly stuck. Tru Beck lives in this world, and continues going to school on schedule, following, an artificial clock that keeps humanity on schedule through fake seconds and minutes and hours. Tru lives in a house where there is a switch in the center, that her father continues to build boxes around, boxes that engulf the whole house. Her mother left them. Her sister isn't spoken of. Her brother is hiding. And Tru recently realized that she can throw a javelin further than any human in history.
A. S. King is one of my favorite writers, and her writing doesn't make sense at all. Not as in "I can't follow the story" but as in "I genuinely can't tell what's real and what's not." Every story of hers has a strange fantastical element that is both meant to be an allegory and meant to be taken extremely seriously. Everything is a metaphor. Nothing is a metaphor. It's super confusing, but I adore it. For one, A.S. King's writing style is extremely distinct. While certain stylistic choices fluctuate from book to book, the writing puts you in a headspace of a strange, surreal, light melancholy that is utterly distinct from any emotion ever experienced, yet so strangely familiar. The best way I can describe it is like arriving somewhere after a long drive, and being fully aware of both where you came from and your new, strange reality. It can be confusing at times, and could be said to muddy the story, but the strange tone and feeling of this writing gives every story an entirely new depth and meaning. Also, the characters in this book are very intriguing. The main character contains this apathy that sits within each of us, and which she fully embraces. She knows that the N3WCLOCK is futile, and knows that its important that the boxes come down. She doesn't try to do anything she doesn't want to do, and learns throughout the novel how to harness her energy, and how to move on. Despite being a YA novel, she has an air of tiredness that is very relatable to teenagers. She's also stubborn, caring, and willing to stand up for herself. The audience immediately latches on to her, and wants to learn more about her. She instrumental to the theme of the story, of which there is only one, tightening up the story and making everything focused. All the supporting characters don't get nearly the same development, but all of them are fully fleshed out and given understandable motivations. The premise of the story is also interesting, and creates realistic reactions in the fictional world that force one to look closer at our own world.
All in all, I felt this was a very moving story about family trauma and how to flip a switch and move on. Despite the often confusing writing, this book is a pleasure, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to feel strange and strong emotions, as well as some fun confusion!

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Book Review: The Midnight Library

Haig, Matt
4 stars = Really Good

I strongly recommend this book. It is very interesting, there are so many topics that can be evaluated regarding the main character Nora Seed and how she appreciated her life, people, friends, lover, opportunities (mainly opportunities) and how the "Boat of Opportunity" can pass again in this in between place called " The Midnight Library". Nora represents in many aspects, when a person reaches the lowest point of her / his life, with lack of hope, depression maybe and when as a person you fell unwanted or unappreciated, however there are always opportunities to correct your path. She had so many versions or opportunities to choose a life that can suit her completely, however those versions did not give her that sense of "ownership" and many were "good " lives, (almost ideal), she felt in that way (i.e. Marriage with Ash and a completely family).

The narrative is very light.- The introduction of topics like Quantum Physics, traveling between this kind of "dimensions" provide certain explanation to the situation that she is experiencing. I think that the main message will be that: We as human beings need to pay attention to the small things that are around us and that forms our lives which are very important. Don`t waste your life, try to life as possible, take opportunities and enjoyed but the only way to enjoy is by living it fully and learning and deciding and making yourself ready to take control of your life and decide to live it as "full" as you can.

Reviewer's Name
Ingrid V.

Book Review: City of Bones

Clare, Cassandra
3 stars = Pretty Good

City of Bones follows Clary Fray as she discovers a dangerous world that has been hidden in plain sight from her. Clary's mother gets violently kidnapped, and not to mention that she saw something that only she could see at the teen club Pandemonium, three strange teen warriors that were supposedly dispatching a demon when she saw them. Clary gets swooped up into their world with many questions; why is her mother gone, why can she see them, and most of all, what is the truth? She discovers a world with demons, warlocks, vampires, faeries, werewolves, and of course, the glorious(ish) shadowhunters that are all fighting invisible fights, especially with the rumor that an old shadowhunter enemy is rising up again. Come along on the ride with Clary as she brings her friend Simon along on the journey for answers and learns much more than she bargained for.
City of Bones has good world-building and is an excellent gateway into the Shadow world. It is definitely not the best book by Cassandra Clare but it was her first and an entrance to an entire universe. The book has many twists and not all are huge but they are there and bring you back into the book. It can seem like it was dragging on and like not much was happening but the twists bring your attention back in. The relationships between characters were well written and Magnus Bane needs no discussion (amazing character, would die for him). The action scenes are there and plentiful, they can get cluttered but let's be honest has anyone read a perfect action scene, they are hard to write. The action scene can cause you to lose focus and it can feel a little repetitive with the setting and what happens with the character but like I said there are twists that bring your focus back in. Overall it's a good book but not the best but still a vital read for understanding the Shadow world/ chronicles. This book is a worthwhile read and a great entrance to Cassandra Clare's work.

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