
Book Review: Legend

Lu, Marie
4 stars = Really Good

Legend by Marie Lu is a dystopian novel with its own flair. Some dystopians can feel the same, but Legend is unlike any other. We follow June and Day who couldn’t be more polar opposites. June will someday become the best general the Republic has seen and Day is the Republics most wanted criminal. Yet, they cross paths and June’s ultimate goal is to take down Day. Like a classic dystopian, this novel will take you through twists and turns and you will never expect how it ends. I loved this book because of the relationship June and Day have. I highly recommend this book to anybody who love dystopian novels.

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Book Review: Aurora Rising

Kaufman, Amie and Kristoff, Jay
4 stars = Really Good

Aurora Rising is a gripping and exciting action/science-fiction/fantasy novel by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. Starring a misfit group of cadets on a quest to help a stowaway from a different time, Aurora Rising provides action, lovable characters, and an exciting mystery element unraveling throughout.
Being the first book in a trilogy, some elements of the series aren't fleshed out to their fullest, but this is fixed in both of the next entries in the series. Some characters; especially the "Brain" of the crew, Zila; are left without much of a personality beyond one or two basic traits. The use of certain futuristic slang can be a detractor for some readers as well.
These drawbacks are more than made up for the wealth of strong relationships and a driving plot throughout. The main characters all have strong motivations and complement each others strengths and weaknesses. The plot moves forward through setpieces both large and small, providing each new world a chance to shine in its own way.
Overall, Aurora Rising is a must-read for young adult fans of science-fiction and/or fantasy and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

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Book Review: House of Hollow

Sutherland, Krystal
4 stars = Really Good

Krystal Sutherland creates a uniquely haunting atmosphere in House of Hollow, a story about three sisters who experienced a mysterious incident in their childhood which left their eyes pitch black and their hair bright white. Iris, the youngest sister, tries her best to blend in and lead an ordinary life, which proves very difficult; Vivi is a rebel who embraces her appearance; Grey, the oldest, is stunningly beautiful and remarkably successful, a secretive celebrity phenomenon. When Grey disappears without warning, Iris and Vivi embark on a bizarre, dangerous journey which will change the way they see themselves--and their sister--forever.
House of Hollow is filled with twists, turns, and tumbles into dark places. It will leave readers on the edges of their seats, dreading what comes next yet filled with a desire to know the full story. Sutherland's beautifully frightening, masterful plot is perfect for anyone who is craving something new and different and enjoys horror, suspense, and fantasy. House of Hollow serves as a reminder to us all: nothing is as it seems.

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Book Review: A Court of Silver Flames

Maas, Sarah J.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas is such a heart felt novel. This is the 5th book in A Court of Thrones and Roses series. Yet, this book strays away from Feyre as the main character and we follow her sister, Nesta. Nesta shows us that even in the darkest of times, you always have to fight to find that light. That hope is possible, and everybody is worthy of love, even when you don’t deem it. This book is one that will stick with you and possibly change your outlook on life. I highly recommend this book for anybody that loves romance, adventure, and wants to completely forget about life.
Grade 11

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Book Review: Shadow and Bone

Bardugo, Leigh
4 stars = Really Good

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo is a fantasy novel about Grisha people with magical powers called the small science. It follows Alina Starkov and her childhood friend Mal as they make their way through this world, just trying to survive. The novel is well thought through. The plot makes sense and is complex enough to keep interested in the book. The characters are complex with their backstories, making them more relatable. The author does a great job illustrating the world and the magic system. Overall I would rate the book with a four out of five stars.

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Book Review: Siege and Storm

Bardugo, Leigh
3 stars = Pretty Good

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo is the second book in the Grisha trilogy. The book follows Alina and Mal as they are hunted across the world by their past and people who want Alina’s power. They may try to escape this responsibility, but Alina can’t outrun her fate forever. The plot has many twists and turns, keeping the reader guessing. Although most characters have engaging and refreshing personalities, I found the main character, Alina, annoying. Her personality didn’t change much, and she became whiny. Even with the annoying main character, the plot was engaging and complex, which made up for it. Overall, I would rate the book with three out of five stars because the main character was hard to relate to.

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Book Review: Ruin and Rising

Bardugo, Leigh
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo is the final book in the Grisha trilogy. After the capital of Ravka falls, Alina is in hiding. She desperately tries to find the third amplifier as it is the only way to reclaim the capital. Alina makes new alliances, keeps the old, and puts aside her differences for her goal, finding the firebird and reclaiming Ravka. The final book is suspenseful and unravels all the secrets of the past two books. The characters' backstories fall into place, and all the clues throughout the book lead you to discover a horrific secret. It is a beautiful end to the Grisha trilogy and satisfied me with the series. Overall, I would rate this book with a five out of five stars—what a fantastic end to the series.

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Book Review: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Carroll, Lewis
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

the biik is brilliant for children but with enough hilarity and joy for life in it to please adults too, Alice's Adventures in wonderland is alovely book with wich to take a brief respite from our overly rational and sometimes dreary world

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Book Review: Daughter of the Pirate King

Levenseller, Tricia
3 stars = Pretty Good

Alosa is the daughter of the infamous Pirate King. She's also half-siren, a secret she wants desperately to be kept hidden. After staging her kidnap by a rivalry pirate crew, Alosa is tasked with finding a map that will lead her father to a legendary island full of treasures untold. It should be easy: she's one of the best pirates on the sea, and being half-siren has its perks. But cleverly and annoyingly attractive first mate Riden makes her task much more difficult, and for the first time in her life, she has something to fight for...or rather someone.

My favorite part of the entire book was Alosa herself. She's smart, witty, and defies the odds given that she's a female pirate (and the only woman on the ship for most of the novel). Her budding relationship with Riden is amusing, and it's the typical enemies to lovers trope. The novel was full of some nice surprises, and I'm anticipating what's going to happen in the sequel!

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Book Review: Scary Stories for Young Foxes

Heidicker, Christian McKay
4 stars = Really Good

Scary Stories for Young Foxes is a very intriguing book with twists and turns all the way down. It is designed to be, hence the name, "scary" but the way the stories from each perspective connect creates a much more interesting story than it may seem. Heidecker is able to create interesting twists in the story, and is entertaining and funny as well, with an odd twist on the famed author, Beatrix Potter. But, I feel like this book could have been a children's book if it hadn't been written like to be like the scary stories you write around the campfire. The writing was not very challenging, but the plotline is perfectly written.

As you read the book you get rather attached to the main characters, Mia and Uly. Uly is a young fox with a disfigured foot, making it harder for him to function in his fox family with his sisters. His mom is always supportive and encourages Uly as he figures out how he will live on his own. But, life on his own takes a turn for the worst...

Mia grew up attending A little fox school with her siblings, and her wonderful teacher, Miss Vix. They are learning how to hunt scavenge, and survive in the wilderness, and Mia loves her class. And her teacher. The litter is learning fast, and loving it. But, disaster strikes, and leaves only Mia and her mom alone, to run from the "monster" that has formed.

Uly and Mia's destinies soon intertwine and create a plotline that is perfect for a casual read, or, if you want to make it more exciting, read it in a dark room and let your imagination run wild. Recommended ages 10+
Reviewer's Grade: 8

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