Library Explorers


Library Explorers is a PPLD program for adults of differing abilities. This program provides adults with physical and developmental disabilities opportunities to enjoy their library spaces, materials, and programs in the ways that are most enjoyable and accessible for their individual needs.  

Library Explorers

The Library Explorers program provides programs, presenters, and activity kits in several locations all throughout the year. 

The Library Explorer Activity Kits are available for in-library use and include a variety of games, puzzles, sensory items, ADA accessible tables, large print and braille books, coloring and art supplies, as well as educational and seasonal creative activities.  

Patrons and their Care Givers can request these kits at the patron service desk in the following libraries: 

 Cheyenne Mountain, East, Fountain, High Prairie,  Library 21c, Manitou Springs, Old Colorado City, Palmer Lake, Penrose, Rockrimmon, Ruth Holley, and Sand Creek.

Click here for the calendar of events 

Please call (719) 531-6333, x6319 for more information. 

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