
Book Review: Doll Bones

Black, Holly
4 stars = Really Good

"Doll Bones" by Holly Black is about three friends who go on a journey to return a haunted doll to her grave after taking it out of one of their mom's china cabinets. Zach, Poppy, and Alice play a role-play game in which the doll is "the queen'. The doll is made from a young girl's bones and her wishes are to be returned with her family at the grave site so all three of them go on an extensive journey to do so. In the process Zach, Poppy, and Alice meet strange people which leads them to almost give up.

I would recommend this book. "Doll Bones" was really fun to re-read and was just as exciting as the first. Originally, I read the book for Battle of the Books in third grade but I read it again because I liked it. I couldn't relate to the characters however I think other people could. "Doll Bones" is not predictable and was not the best book I have read this year despite it still being a good book.

Reviewer's Name
Oriana O.

Book Review: The Rise of Elgen

Evans, Richard Paul
4 stars = Really Good

The second book of the Michael Vey series is not a disappointing sequel. In the book Rise of the Elgen, Michael Vey, the Protagonist is still looking for his mother. In the first book his mother had been captured by the Elgen. The Elgen are a group of people who want to take over the world. I found this book to be very unpredictable most of the time. However, there were a few times where it was not difficult to figure out what was going to happen. One of my favorite characters in this book is Ostin (pronounced like Austin).
Ostin, who is extremely intelligent, is relatable as he is gets picked on because he is a little different. Yet, Ostin is very strong minded and one of the smartest characters in the whole book. What I like most about this series is it has very original and unique characters. This book is one of the top 10 books I have read this year.

Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name
Alexander M

Book Review: The Prisoner of Cell 25

Evans, Richard Paul
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In the book The Prisoner of Cell 25, Michael Vey, the protagonist, who has the power of electricity discovers that their are others like him. He decides to find the others but Michael’s mother gets kidnapped and he must rescue her. It turns out that his mother is held at the same place as the other kids that share his powers. I picked this book because my English teacher read it to the class and I liked it so I went ahead in the book. This book was slightly predictable at points. Ostin Michael’s friend Who is very smart is relatable as he is anti social but intelligent. This book is by far the best first book in a series I have ever read.

Grade 9

Reviewer's Name
Alexander M

Book Review: The Hunters

Flanagan, John
4 stars = Really Good

In the book, The Hunters, Hal, the protagonist finds himself still going after the Andomal like in the previous book, The Invaders. This Andomal is a sacred artifact and treasured by his people in his country, so Hal must retrieve it. The thief of this treasure, Zavac, whom Hal has been pursuing for awhile now has fled into a pirate haven. Hal has no idea how to get the Andomal if Zavac is in this haven.

This book was full of surprises and rarely predictable. I enjoyed this book because Hal finds a very creative way to try and win the Andomal back. Again, Hal uses his intelligence rather than his strength to overcome his difficulties. That is what I like most about Hal, how he uses brains, not brawn. So far, I feel this is the best book of this series, The Brotherband. I would recommend this book series to anyone who has read the Ranger’s Apprentice. The author, John Flanagan is one of my favorite authors and I have read almost all of his books because I find them exciting and they keep the reader wanting to read more.

Reviewer: Grade 9

Reviewer's Name
Alexander M

Book Review: The Red Pyramid

Riordan, Rick
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The book "The Red Pyramid" by Rick Riordan is an excellent read for pretty much any age group. The main characters, Carter and Sadie Kane, embark on their first adventure in this book. When their dad accidentally summons an Egyptian god and is entombed in the Underworld, these twins must risk everything to find him. With the help of their mysterious uncle, Carter and Sadie must practice using their hidden magic to defeat anything in the way of them and their father. "The Red Pyramid" is an amazing story with lovable, relatable characters and the ending will want you craving more!!

I enjoyed this book and when I finished it in 7th grade, I was glad to find out that there were two more books in the Kane Chronicles. "The Red Pyramid" is suspenseful and you will not be able to put it down. I loved all the characters in this book and have already read it three times. The main reason I chose this book was because one of my friends recommended it, and I am so happy I decided to read it!! The whole book was exciting and I would be happy to read it a fourth time. I am excited to read more books by Rick Riordan and hope they are just as great as this one.

Reviewer Grade- 8th grade

Reviewer's Name
Kaylei F

Book Review: Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens

Sanderson, Brandon
4 stars = Really Good

After reading through the last two books in Brandon Sanderson's Alcatraz series, I was hesitant to continue with the fourth book, Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens. What I found innovative and hilarious in the first book had become a bit more annoying by books two and three. Book four, however, was a refreshing addition to the series. It helped that the jokes were funny enough that I actually laughed out loud. Moreover, the lore and overall arching plot of the series seemed to coalesce into something that made sense and was actually driving toward a satisfying conclusion.

While I can’t completely disregard the previous two books in the series, I felt that there was probably enough backstory explanation in Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens that these other books could be potentially be skipped over altogether. After all, we learn a lot about Alcatraz, his family roots, and the Smedry talents in this book, and I almost wonder if some of these plot points couldn’t have been spread out into previous volumes. It also helped that this book had a clear goal and objective to drive the story toward its various conclusions.

In previous books in this series, Alcatraz has announced that he is awesome or a liar. Here, he admits to being “stoopid,” which adds some humility to the character that had perhaps been missing earlier in the series. There were plenty of other things I liked about this book, including the chapter numbers, the “Shakespearian chapter,” and Alcatraz’s cousin who is really bad at math. The twist near the end also added some realism to both the protagonists and antagonists that I’m now invested and want to see how the series finishes out in the next (and I assume final) volume.

A hilarious return-to-form and vital link for the Alcatraz series, I give Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

Book Review: Artemis Fowl. The Arctic Incident

Colfer, Eoin
3 stars = Pretty Good

Sequels can be tough. There seems to be a need to incorporate what made the original successful, while also trying out new ideas at the same time. Additionally, the characters need to grow and show that they can handle any new problems thrown their way. In The Arctic Incident, the sequel to Artemis Fowl , I found more of the same military sci-fi fantasy elements present, but with changes to the characters that took away a lot of what I liked about them in the first book. And by characters, I specifically mean Artemis Fowl.

While the first book in this series contained a confident, coy, and conniving teenage super-genius, The Arctic Incident took Artemis Fowl and expanded those brief moments of emotional vulnerability into an entire character. Perhaps this was due to Artemis joining forces with the same magical creatures that he swindled out of their gold in the first book, or maybe it was due to Artemis finally being able to reunite his family. Either way, this main character didn’t seem nearly as interesting to me in this book as he did in Artemis Fowl.

Furthermore, despite containing slightly different enemies and goals, The Arctic Incident pulled out the same tricks utilized in the first book. I did learn a little more about the magical realm contained in this series, but not nearly enough to justify a full book here. I guess when it comes right down to it, I’m not a fan of the Mulch Diggums character since he generally seems like an addition to the series that’s only there for fart jokes. Granted, I know this series is for children, but I also know how quickly this type of humor falls flat for me, especially when it’s practically repeated verbatim from the first book.

A “meh” sequel that lost a lot of what made the first book good; I give The Arctic Incident 3.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

Book Review: The Odyssey

5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This epic poem is one of the most fascinating pieces of literature I have ever read. Following the story of Odysseus, it is an epic journey where gods and mythical monsters try and impede his journey home. There is mythology intertwined with adventurous storytelling, and the style of writing, while obviously more difficult than modern writing, is not too challenging that it makes the poem hard to read. I would recommend reading it for both its historical significance and because of how interesting the story itself is. While it will take some time to get through, the story, I believe, is worth the time. The monsters that Odysseus encounters barter with him and tell him stories that deepen the plot; his interactions and relationships reveal mysteries and provide new motivations or points of interest.

Everything is complexly interconnected and it does take a bit of historical context or background knowledge to understand all parts of the story, so it is an undertaking. However, the fantastic and timeless story is entirely unique. I would give it five out of five stars.

Reviewer's Name
Molly Q

Book Review: The Invaders

Flanagan, John
4 stars = Really Good

In the book, The Invaders, Hal, the protagonist finds himself going after the Andomal. The Andomal is a sacred artifact and treasured by his people in his country. The thief of this treasure, Zavac, has besieged a city to plunder an emerald mine well hidden from the outside world. Hal must help this city to find and take back the Andomal. The main character Hal can be easily related to as he is smaller than many of his other countrymen.
However, he makes up for his lack of physical dominance by being extraordinarily smart. I enjoyed this book because Hal has to decide between going after Zavac or helping his friends. This was interesting to me because he makes choices like I would have made. This is one of the best books I have read this year. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the Ranger’s Apprentice. This series, Brotherband, takes place after Ranger’s Apprentice. However, you do not have to have read any of the previous books to be able to follow along this new series. The author, John Flanagan is one of my top 5 favorite authors. I have enjoyed most all of the books he has written.

Reviewer's Name
Alexander M

Book Reviews: The Outcasts

Flanagan, John
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In the book, The Outcasts, Hal, the protagonist finds himself being forced into BrotherBand training to become a Skirl, also called a ships captain. Hal, unlike most others from his country relies on his intelligence and wit rather than strength. This makes him an Outcast, pun very much intended.This book kept me on edge since the intro was very suspenseful.
This is one of the best books I have ever read, and I have read many books. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the Ranger’s Apprentice.
This series, Brotherband, takes place after Ranger’s Apprentice. However, you do not have to have read any of the previous books to be able to follow along this new series. Ever since I read the first book Of The Ranger’s Apprentice I have really loved the author John Flanagan. The main character Hal can be easily related to as he is not physically strong but, he is strong in the mind. This is what I liked most about the character Hal.

Reviewer's Name
Alexander M