
Book Review: The Crucible

Miller, Arthur
4 stars = Really Good

Hysteria, spreading throughout Salem, Massachusetts in the 17th century. Teenage girls, being accused of witchcraft for dancing in the woods. A puppet with a needle that can cost someone’s life. Agreeing on execution in order to protect the good name for your family. Mass trials on people being suspected of doing magic. Sounds crazy? Welcome to the world of The Crucible.
The play by Arthur Miller takes us to Salem in a period of witch trials. Everything starts pretty prosaic: a girl named Abigail wants to get love from a local farmer, John Proctor. As it often happens, she finds a love potion the easiest way to reach the desirable goal, however, she, her friends and the family slave Tituba get caught on doing this ritual late at night.
Nobody wants to be punished. Nobody will believe a slave over his own daughter or niece. Considering these two statements, Abigail decides to avoid a punishment by accusing Tituba and the entire list of other women in a town of being witches.
And here is when things start to go heels overhead. Like a huge snowball that captures everything that is on its way, panic enhances more and more people around. Men and women are being executed for no true reason. Even an expert in demonology is invited to take part in the case. And in all this chaos Abigail makes another attempt to get a chance for a future together with John Proctor.
The action develops dynamically in the play, and the characters add more tension to the plot with their bright personalities. You can’t stay indifferent. You either love or, more likely, hate them. A lot of situation are ironic and absurd, however, the play tastes bitter, when you realize how many people had to struggle because of someone’s stupid wish and lack of responsibility.
The book refers a lot to the time of McCarthyism, which had impacted the author’s life in particular. It makes a strong impact on the audience, especially, in the end, and leaves the readers with a lot of questions: Do people change? Is reputation worth sacrificing your life? Whom to believe and what to deny?
Reviewer Grade: 11

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Book Review: Animal Farm

Orwell, George
4 stars = Really Good

An attempt to create an independent sovereign state, liquidate domestic and foreign enemies and get rid of vestiges of the past, made by… animals. The only fact of animals ruling and managing their own lives sounds absurd enough, but what if under the masks of pigs, horses and dogs real historical figures are hiding?
George Orwell showed brightly the allegorical reality of totalitarianism and communism in his novel Animal Farm. A fairy tale for grown up readers, the book offers an opportunity to observe the story of animals who tried to get independence from their owner and build a society where everyone’s needs and desires would be equally satisfied (sounds a little utopical, doesn’t it?)
Inspired by the Old Major, two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, supported by all the residents of the farm, carry out a coup d’etat and banish the farmer Mr. Jones. They take the lead and create the laws of the newly created state, the most important of which is “All animals are equal”. However, as the time flows, it turns out that ruling a society is not as easy as it seems to be, especially if at the same time you are trying to benefit from the power that you possess. The animals have to go through propaganda, repressions, socialist competition, ideological pressure and several other social and political changes. Most of them believe their government blindly, and only a few trust their own eyes more than the media. Napoleon, now the only ruler of Animal Farm, discovers that fear and lies are not the worst tools to use, if you want to keep a state in order, especially when the majority of the population consists of sheeps. He goes father and father from where he began and, like many leaders before and after him, becomes a tyrant trying to keep his position and privileges. At the end, he brings the animals back to what they tried to destroy: a totalitarian system where one stands above everyone else. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”, the new Commandment says.

The book is written in a simple language and the allegory and similes make the story easy to understand even for the younger readers. All the processes and events mentioned in the novel repeat one of the darkest and most tangled periods of history. But, shown on the example of animals, they make the readers wonder how people, who faced them in real life, could not notice that they were being trapped and fooled.
Compared to some other novels by George Orwell, Animal Farm is pretty easy to read. It would be a perfect choice for those who want to get a better understanding of political and historical processes and enjoy a fictional story at the same time.
Reviewer Grade: 11

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Book Review: The Old Man and the Sea

Hemingway, Ernest
4 stars = Really Good

The story of Win and Loss, one of Ernest Hemingway’s most famous works, The Old Man and the Sea introduces us to a fisherman Santiago. He is old, but he has determination and a goal. He wants to catch his Big Fish. He does not give up even after eighty four days of failure and on the eighty-fifth day luck finally smiles at him. Big Fish is on the hook. Three days of confrontation between the fishermen and the fish reveal Santiago’s incredible inner strength and will power. But when he finally comes back to his hut, exhausted and barely alive, he’s left only with a skeleton of his dream and a poor illusion of a better life.
The deep symbols that the story contains can be interpreted in many different ways. Some of the readers may find the old man’s hunt as a waste of effort on a goal that is not worth risking his life. Others, however, will discover Santiago as their role model and an example of undefeatable human nature and endurance on the way to the dream. But this controversy and ambiguity is exactly what makes the book so unique and attractive to the generations of readers.
The language of the novella is typical for all Hemingway's books, simple and straightforward, however, this time the symbolic meaning is hidden under the coat of realistic story. It encourages the reader to think and reflect on the pages that he’s read and on his own life as well and find his own interpretation of the fisherman’s story.

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Book Review: Medea

3 stars = Pretty Good

Medea by Euripides is a play about a princess in Greek mythology. She is betrayed by her husband when he weds another woman and Medea vows to take revenge. She plans to hurt everyone who hurt her, but by doing this she puts people who did her no wrong at risk. Will she end up getting revenge and living out her days or will she join the same fate that she curses down upon? I recommend this book to anybody who is into Greek mythology or would like to get into it. This is a fast read of about 50 pages.
Jaala 12

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Book Review: Oedipus the King

3 stars = Pretty Good

Oedipus the King by Sophocles is a Greek play that follows the tragedy and downfall of this King. He is presented by a messenger that a disease has spread across his land and he needs to save his people. He sets out in search of this issue, but slowly comes to the realization that this something is a someone within his borders. What if this someone who needs to be eradicated is one who governs it? I would recommend this book to anybody who likes Greek mythology or the adventure genre.
Jaala 12

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Book Review: The Awakening

Chopin, Kate
3 stars = Pretty Good

The Awakening by Kate Chopin is a fictional novel that questions what it is to be an independent woman in a male dominant society. Edna lives in the Creole society in New Orleans that values the idea of women being a housewife. Edna strays away from this ideal and attempts to break the boundaries of what women think and can do. Is Edna strong enough to break these barriers or will the barriers break her? I recommend this novel to anybody who loves twists and turns and what it truly means to be independent.
Jaala 12

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Black Cake

Black Cake
Wilkerson, Charmaine
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is a about a family. More specifically their mother and the life she has. While reading this book you are learning about the mom and how the connections she had to different people. This book has so many twists and turns that will keep you on your toes. I choose to read this book because it seemed interesting to uncover all the mysteries that were going on in the book. It seemed fun to piece together a story. In this book I really liked the element where the characters also didn't know everything about their mom. They were learning it along with you. I didn't like that the timeline was hard to follow along because sometimes it would randomly say something from a different part of the story which sort of confused me. I think you would enjoy this book if you like piecing together things to find out the whole story of what happened to someone you would really enjoy this book.

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Plain Truth

Plain Truth
Picoult, Jodi
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book tells an amazing story. Picoult is an amazing author who has a way of keeping readers on the edge of their seat. And this book is no exception. It's an emotional rollercoaster but at the end, you've really enjoyed the ride.

Reviewer's Name
Lena R.