
Book Review: Hero at the Fall

Hamilton, Alwyn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In this final book to the Rebel of the Sands trilogy, seventeen-year-old Amani is the leader of a rebellion to overthrow the Sultan. With all her friends captured and imprisoned, she's forced to step into the role of the temporary leader of the Rebellion and find a way to rescue her friends and put an end to the Sultan's tyranny. Tired, scared, and doubtful, Amani tries to keep together what's left of the rebellion without dying, when it seems like death is all that is around her.

This book was amazing! It kept me on the edge of my seat with every chapter. Reading it was a turbulent rollercoaster of laughter, crying, hope, dread, and everything emotion in between. The writing of the book itself was beautiful, and I loved that it was a combination of magic, action, romance, and was full of diverse characters. I wish there was more to the series to read!

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Book Review: Harrow the Ninth

Muir, Tamsyn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Harrow the Ninth is the second book in the Locked Tomb series, and it follows a necromancer, Harrow, as she learns to become a Lyctor to God himself, the emperor of the First House. But as the teaching progresses, the century-old secrets of God and his immortal Lyctors, the intangible death monsters hell-bent on destroying them, and Harrow's own crippled psyche threaten to crush her under their weight.
The first book in this series, Gideon the Ninth, is undoubtedly both bizarre and amazing from the very first page, all the way until the last. I read this book because I adored the first one, and I have to say it is even more bizarre and amazing, but there's an emphasis on the 'bizarre' part in the beginning and an abundance of 'amazing' in the end.
For the first thing, a good chunk of this book is told in second person. For another, the beginning is very confusing, mimicking the main characters confused state. For a third, much of the book seems to contradict the first book, or itself, giving a whole new meaning to the 'unreliable narrator'. Now, at the end, this all comes together and makes perfect sense and blows your head off in a fit of epiphany. And, having read the entire book cover to cover, I applaud the author for the bold choices and tantalizing ending. But for the beginning, it may be a bit more a struggle to push through, and the brilliance of the first book is really needed to help accomplish this.
So, the book is pretty confusing, but for the most part its understandable, and it maintains the first books commitment to levity. This book is pretty funny, even though it can be heart wrenching or gory in some bits. The main character, Harrow, is both very sad and very cool, like a skinny Batman, which I really like! She's also well developed, with understandable actions and motives. The supporting cast is fleshed out well, and highly entertaining, and very sad. All of this is very good. The plot, while confusing at first, is concluded nicely, and is well paced. The worldbuilding of this book does this thing I really like, where it never really sits down and fully explains anything, but still leaves you getting the gist of everything by passing remarks and impressions and vague implications. It did this better in the first book, but since the second book had a lot more complicated necromancy stuff to explain, I'll let it slide.
All in all, this was an extremely good book, which took risks with its material and just expected all of us to push through the bizarre for the amusing and sad characters and an unknown payoff, which we all did, and which was totally worth it! Highly recommend, but read the first book first, and if you've read the first book and you're looking for a reason to keep reading, definitely do so!
Reviewer Grade: 11

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Book Review: Traitor to the Throne

Hamilton, Alwyn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A sequel to Rebel of the Sands, Amani continues her fight for the Rebellion after being captured and sent to the palace. Thrust into the center of the regime, she's determined to bring the tyrant down. Acting as a spy, she tries to uncover the Sultan's secrets, but the longer she stays, the harder it becomes to forget that Jin's disappeared, and the more she questions whether the Sultan is really the villain she'd been told he is and who the real traitor is to her beloved homeland.

I like this series because it's action-packed, has elements of fantasy, and romance. Each chapter never disappoints, and I felt like I was being sucked into the heart of the Rebellion just from reading about it. Amani quick-witted passionate personality makes her an admirable character, and her closest friends have stories that make it really hard not to love them too. I can't wait to read the last book!

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Book Review: The House in the Cerulean Sea

Klune, T.J.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune is a must read, feel good book unlike any other. We follow Linus in his journey to make sure Marasyas Island Orphanage abides by the rules for housing magical youth. Although he is on an highly classified assignment for his job, Linus starts to blossom into his true potential and sees the world for what it could be. Yet, Linus faces a hard decision, do what’s right for the children or what society wants him to do. The House in the Cerulean Sea will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more. I would highly recommend this book to anybody who is in a reading slump or needs a pick me up.

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Book Review: Shadow and Bone

Bardugo, Leigh
4 stars = Really Good

Shadow and Bone is a fantasy book that follows a young woman living in a world full of mystical creatures and human soldiers with magical powers called the Grisha. To summarize, a young woman named Alina comes to find out that she has magical powers just like the Grisha, the people who were either treated like royalty or monsters, and is taken in by the Grisha to embark on a journey with them to train not only her power, but to fit in with the rest of them. However, while on this journey, she uncovers a secret that changes her life as she knows it. Shadow and Bone is the first of 3 novels of the story, and I have enjoyed every bit of it, whether it be looking into the magical but dark world of the Grisha for the first time just like our main character, or the interesting conflict between Grisha and other humans, this book is very entertaining and it didn't leave me bored for a moment. Although, I was rather annoyed that the Grisha were being treated like monsters by some people. If I were to give a grade out of 10, I would give it an 8.

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Book Review: Rule

Goodlett, Ellen
4 stars = Really Good

Rule, a book of mystery, suspense, and drama. Zofi, Ren, and Akeylah are each citizens of a different Reach. The Reaches are all ruled by Kolonya, and torn by war. Each girl has something to hide and each one fears the other. But when it comes to light that someone in Kolonya knows all of their secrets, they must band together to find out who is blackmail them. "Rule" paints a world that immerses the reader so that they feel they are in the story.

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Book Review: Ready Player One

Cline, Ernest
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is an amazing spin on the concepts introduced in movies like The Matrix, combining both a fantastical digital world and intrigue in a crumbling US. Follow Wade Watts as he tries to escape his poverty-stricken life in the slums of a world with a failing ecosystem and rampant poverty and hunger by travelling the OASIS, a gargantuan virtual world where people go to school, conduct business, and recreate. Wade seeks The Egg, the fortune of James Halliday, the creator of the OASIS, who left his immense fortune and control of the OASIS to whomever could solve his 80’s-based puzzles and games. Wade isn’t alone in his search, there are millions of others racing him to find The Egg, and above them all looms IOI, a giant corporation searching for The Egg to monetize the OASIS and remove the freedom that users enjoy in the digital paradise. Follow Wade as he unravels complex puzzles and journeys ever closer to finding The Egg, all the while racing against the other hunters, and IOI. Ready Player One is sure to engage any science fiction fan and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys complex riddles with heaping doses of 80’s pop culture.
Grade 12

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Book Review: The Song of Achilles

Miller, Madeline
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

When Patroclus accidently murders a boy, he is exiled to Phthia and disowned by his father. There, he meets Achilles, and almost instantly, the two become close companions, and eventually lovers. Achilles, born to the goddess Thetis and the mortal Peleus, is destined to be the greatest warrior of his generation. When Achilles is given the choice between a short life fully of glory or a long life where he is forgotten, he choses the first and sails to Troy to fight in the Trojan War. No matter how much Patroclus attempts to divert his fate, Achilles is bound to die, but on what terms?

This is one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read! You don't need much background on the Odyssey or Iliad to understand the events, which makes it more enjoyable for a wider range of audiences. There are several interpretations to the relationship between Patroclus and Achilles, but this novel was very intimate in their friendship and eventual romantic relationship. I loved the growth of Patroclus and that Achilles realized his flaw and accepted his consequences. The ending was bittersweet, but it was lovely and perfect for their story.

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Book Review: Crooked Kingdom

Bardugo, Leigh
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Crooked Kingdom, the second and last installment in Leigh Bradugo's Six of Crows duology, is probably my absolute favorite book in Bardugo's Grishaverse universe.
We continue from the ending of Six of Crows, where the Crows realize that they were scammed and are not receiving the money they were promised from breaking into the Ice Court and retrieving fifteen-year-old Kuwei-Yul Bo, the son of a famous scientist responsible for the creation of jurda parem. So of course, the Crows vow revenge and build an elaborate plan to plot against Van Eck--the merchant who scammed them, to receive their well-deserved money.
When I was first going into Crooked Kingdom, I was a little nervous, since many fans who've read this claimed that it was definitely much sadder than Six of Crows. And they were mostly right. Crooked Kingdom delved deeper into our favorite Dreg members characters, making us so much more attached to the gang. Even so, I really enjoyed Crooked Kingdom, as it provided much more information on the Dregs and especially Kaz's backstory. I appreciated how the ending mostly tied up loose ends and gave the characters a satisfactory ending.
Overall, Crooked Kingdom was a fitting end to the Six of Crows universe, and I would definitely recommend reading the whole Grishaverse books.

Reviewer Grade: 11

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