KidsMake Favorite: Truffula Tree Pencil

Watch this project from a year ago at

Supplies and Directions:


  • A bendy pencil or a straight one will do
  • Feathers
  • A Mad Lib (there is a Mad Lib example seen on the video link above, or make up your own)
  • Glue (preferably a liquid glue like Elmer's)
  • Pencil sharpener


  1. Glue your feathers to the erasure side of the pencil.
  2. Add a little pressure to the feathers around the pencil. This will help keep them in place.
  3. Wait for the glue to dry
  4. Use your Truffula Tree pencil to create a silly story using the Mad Lib! Try not to read the story until you've filled out all the blank spaces. You might need help from a grownup with this.