Make Art: Leftover Art Sculpture

leftover art sculpture

Do you have some leftover art pieces sitting around? Make new art by cutting past art into pieces and creating new art.

Supplies and Directions:

  • Past art that can be cut into pieces (get permission first)
  • Cereal box cut into pieces or index cards
  • Glue
  1. Cut art and glue onto index card or piece of cereal box cardboard. (Watercolor paper is strong enough to stand on its own). Let glued pieces dry.
  2. Using one art piece as the base of your sculpture, plan how you'd like to arrange the other pieces sitting on top of the base art piece.
  3. With an adult's help, if needed, cut slits into the art pieces and arrange into a sculpture. You may have to glue some corners and sides for strength, it's up to you.
  4. Get creative and show off your new leftover art sculpture!