Take and Make: Shark Cup & Ball Game


Shark Week begins July 24. Here's a preview into our cool shark game Take and Make, for ages 5-12, which will be available at area PPLD libraries beginning July 8, 2022.

Supplies and Directions:

Materials provided in Take and Make:

  • Paper Tube
  • Blue paper
  • Googly Eye Stickers
  • Yarn
  • Bead

Materials you provide:

  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Markers
  1. Tape blue construction paper around the paper roll.
  2. Create and tape a triangular fin to the top.
  3. Decorate the roll at one end to look like a shark with its mouth open. Use the sticker eyes if desired.
  4. Push one end of the yarn through the bead and tie a double knot. You may need to use a pencil to push the yarn through.
  5. Tie a double knot around the paper roll. Leave approximately 6-8 inches for the ball to swing on. Cut off any excess yarn.
  6. Gently swing the ball and see if you can catch it in the shark’s mouth! Gentle swings are the key!