
Book Review: They Both Die at the End

Silvera, Adam
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you aren't prepared for a soul-crushingly beautiful read, don't pick up this book. In a world where everyones' death day is predicted with absolute accuracy, two teenage boys meet for one last day of life together. I admit to throwing this book across the room several times due to the intense, sorrowful nature of the story and feel that I am justified in doing so. Silvera writes a compelling love story with a melancholy twist; I feel that the plot is worth the tears that leaked from my eyes for days after finishing this book. I recommend this to anyone looking for a sob-worthy, artfully written story.

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Book Review: The Simple Art of Flying

Leonardo, Cory
4 stars = Really Good

The somewhat thick juvenile book- The Simple Art of Flying- is a good read with someone who loves imagining what our pets really think. Their 'secret side'.

Alastair, the African Grey parrot, lives a dull life inside a pet shop with his bright, eager sister, Aggie. This somewhat sarcastic, yet hilarious narrator is the real reason for the book's amazingness. One boy who helps out at the shop, aspiring doctor and/or vet, Fritz, takes a shine to Aggie. He starts saving up his money to buy her. She thinks that Fritz means to buy both of them, and Alastair doesn't have the heart to tell her otherwise. A little while after Aggie is taken home with Fritz, an eccentric old woman by the name of Albertina Plopky decides to adopt Alastair, though he is very much against it. The book is mostly about his time at her home, while he devises plans on how to go and get Aggie. The book had a few plot twists that made it all the more surprising and enjoyable. One quirky habit Alastair has that adds to the plot and style of the book is: he likes to eat paper. From books, posters, or newspapers, he eats it, and somehow senses what the words are saying, and the story behind the strip. A good read for a rainy afternoon.

Reviewer's Grade: 7th

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Book Review: Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures

DiCamillo, Kate
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures has to be one of my favorite books. Not only are every one of the characters realistic and wonderful, but the story carries a beautiful message as well.
Ulysses is a squirrel who was sucked up by a vacuum cleaner and gained superpowers. Flora is a self described, natural-born cynic. Together, who knows what they can achieve?
Flora and Ulysses' personal journeys in the novel are sweet and never fail to impress me, and I especially like some of the more minor characters like Flora's polite and hopeful father and his philosophical neighbor, Dr. Meescham, whom likes to tell stories of her childhood in Blundermeecen.

"[We were] Always opening the door in the middle of the night and finding the face of someone you wanted to see. Well, not always. Sometimes it was the face of someone you did not want to see. But always, always in Blundermeecen you opened the door because you could not stop hoping that on the other side of it would be the face of someone you loved. And maybe, too, the face of someone you did not yet know but might come to love," is my favorite Flora & Ulysses quote, courtesy of Dr. Meescham. Despite this, my favorite character has to be our protagonist, Flora. She claims that she's a cynic, yet sees the good in others. She is independent, literate, and capable, and only occasionally yells out words or phrases that she deems appropriate to the situation, such as "Treacle!", "Seal blubber," or, "This malfeasance must be stopped!".

This is a book about learning to love others and the world around you, about the power in relationships, and the meaning behind words. One of the most powerful aspects of this book is seeing Ulysses find his voice and in turn, teach others to hope.
Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures is one of Kate DiCamillo's more lighthearted books, but it still carries a wonderful theme and memorable characters, and for this, I give it 5 stars.

Reviewer Grade 9, age 13

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Book Review: Scar Island

Gemeinhart, Dan
3 stars = Pretty Good

Scar Island is a children's book written by Dan Gemeinhart.
The book begins with Jonathan, our protagonist, being taken to a juvenile detention center via boat by a sour captain and his more empathetic assistant, Patrick. The detention center is called, "The Slabhenge Reformatory School for Troubled Boys" and houses boy criminals aged 8-14. It's reminiscent of Alcatraz, in that the inmates are housed on a rocky, miniscule island.
Jonathan survives a miserable night in the center, but the next morning, during a role call of sorts, every grown-up is killed in an ironic accident. The inmates have the island to themselves. They decide to stay awhile instead of going home, to take back time the boys lost under the late Admiral's boot. They rechristen the Slabhenge Reformatory School for Troubled Boys as Scar Island.
However, it all begins to go wrong when an older boy named Sebastian takes control of the facility and his methods of keeping order become increasingly cruel as the story goes on. Eventually, the boys must find a solution before the sea takes back what is hers.
Scar Island is a simple book, but well written. One thing that made the book memorable for me was that in the end, there were no bad guys. Everyone on the island was just a scared kid, trying to do what they believed was right. Unfortunately, the ending was much too abrupt for my taste, and the book didn't incorporate any heavy themes.
This book is a nice rainy-day read, and I'd recommend it for reluctant readers who like books about kids banding together to survive great odds.
Grade 9, age 13

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Book Review: Love and Gelato

Welch, Jenna Evans
4 stars = Really Good

This is one of those books that gets better in the days after finishing it. Of course, the white-washed love triangle was a little stale, but I love a good romance in an unfamiliar city. The beginning of the story had so much potential, but I was slightly let down by the end. The last few chapters, which should be the best as each character frantically interacts to find their resolutions with others, just felt rushed. Here's where it gets good though. I love how the main character naturally found a true friend in her first days in Italy. I love how they find parallels around the city to her mother's own adventures there. Finally, I love how her mother's story, though rocky, helped Lina find her own path. If any of this sounds intriguing, try this book!
Grade 12

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Book Review: Slay

Morris, Brittney
3 stars = Pretty Good

This book reminded me of Ready Player One in that it highlighted the potential for a better, or more chaotic, world of virtual reality. It was a cool concept and I liked the characters, but the plot was predictable and it just didn't speak to me. Slay is very real about the issues of racism within the online community, which is important to be educated on, but the serious topics mixed with an attempt at modern slang was odd. It is a nice book if you are bored, but not at the top of my list to reread.
Grade 12

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Book Review: The Lying Game

Ware, Ruth
2 stars = Meh

In this book, you follow four childhood friends (shown from the perspective of Isa Wilde) as the secrets of their past actions come back to haunt them.
I was intrigued by the premise of the story, but for the most part, the story was pretty boring and predictable. The concept of a lying game in the past was interesting and I was excited to see how would play into the story. The secret about what happened almost 20 years earlier seemed really overplayed to me. What actually happened didn't really seem as much of a big reveal as I thought it would be. The final twist at the end of the book wasn't anything special and I figured it out pretty quickly compared to other stories. The ending was anti-climactic; by the end of the story, I wasn't invested. The characters were fine: originally, they seemed relatable and human for the most part, but as the story progressed, I grew to dislike a couple of the main characters. Their actions seemed abnormal and irritating, and even within the context of the story, I still couldn't get over it. This could have been a better book, but the payoff wasn't there.
Reviewer's Grade: 11

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Book Review: Prey

Crichton, Michael
4 stars = Really Good

Here, you follow Jack Forman as he wages through his wife's unusual behavior and the nanotechnology her company created and developed.
For my first Crichton novel, I really enjoyed it. Watching Jack as he waded through his suspicious and the dangers he faces was a thrill to watch. While the characters themselves felt a bit bland, the plot, scientific mystery, and thriller aspects of the story make up for it. Learning about nanotechnology and different parts of programming was also fun to read, even if I didn't understand all of it. The pacing of the novel was done pretty well, from the beginning with Jack's wife, to the her place of work later in the novel. The way the danger was presented and changed was done well and kept me on my toes until the resolution. I recommend this for those who like thrillers and/or sci-fi.
Reader's Grade: 11

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Book Review: A Brief History of Seven Killings

James, Marlon
3 stars = Pretty Good

Little is known about the attack on Bob Marley on December 3, 1976, but Marlon James re-creates the incident as well as the characters before, during, and after the attack on the singer's life. Including over 70 characters, the story follows the first perspective of gang members, CIA agents, affairs, journalists, and others as the way of life in Jamaica spans from the 1970s to early 1990s.
This book is packed with colorful characters, story, and the way of life present in Jamaica back in the late 20th century. I enjoyed reading about the characters and how they revolved around The Singer (Bob Marley) and each other. For an incident that people know little about, James is able to create a wonderful picture about the possible involvement of various parties, the situation that influenced it, and what may have happened afterwards.
However, a (personal) issue I had with the book is the way it is written. Since the many characters are from Jamaica in the late 1900s, I had trouble understanding their dialect as they spoke. One character in particular, Bam-Bam, was especially difficult for me to understand, and this made it difficult for me to go through the story smoothly. Another problem I had was the layout of the text. Everything is in big blocks of text and dialogue is written in a way that I find odd and unorthodox. While there is nothing wrong with having a unique style, especially for the characters and story, it made it hard for me to understand some parts of the story and drew away from the experience I had with the book.
If you're into more realistic and introspective fiction, this could be worth your time.
Reviewer's Grade: 11

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Book Review: Ender's Game

Card, Orson Scott
4 stars = Really Good

Ender's Game, written by Orson Scott Card, is a fictional account of an interplanetary war between the human race and aliens (known as "buggers"). The protagonist, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, is a young boy when he is selected to battle school, where the elite of humanity is sent to train in case of war. Ender quickly rises through the ranks and joins the Command School, where the elite of the elite train.
In the previous war against the buggers, one man's actions saved humanity, and that man's name was Mazar Rackham. For the upcoming war, Mazar Rackham refines Ender's ability to exploit weakness in the enemy. After the war (no spoilers here!), Ender learns of the importance of communication and trust.
My favorite part was the ending. Even thought it felt a little rushed, it was beautiful. It was filled with kindeness and hope for the future. I enjoyed reading the book because it challenged my vocabulary and helped me look at situations and misunderstandings in a different light. I would recommend the book because it teaches valuable lessons that the reader can apply to their own life.

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