Cupboard Crafts & Experiments: CD Case Robots


  • 1 CD Case (empty) with clear cover or small shallow square gift box without lid.
  • 1 piece of cardboard cut from cereal box
  • 1 piece of colored construction or printer paper
  • Small pieces of colorful scrap paper
  • 1 barcode cut from any cardboard or paper product
  • Liquid glue and/or glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Miscellaneous small items--Examples: Stickers (especially Foamies), bottle caps or other small plastic lids.
  • Craft bling: small Beads, pipe cleaner pieces, buttons, paper clips or tiny binder clips, circle stickers (file folder labels), bendable straws (pieces), tiny flat or connector LEGO pieces, very small keys, old puzzle pieces, metal nuts and washers


  1. Glue construction paper to a piece of cardboard, or just use the brown cardboard.
  2. Decorate CD case. Open case and place fun small items inside the case, glue items if needed. Close the case, set aside.
  3. Take construction paper or cardboard. Leaving space in the middle for the CD case. Glue on paper legs, arms, and head of robot.
  4. Glue on CD case to make the body of the robot.
  5. Decorate the robot's face with fun items.

Watch this project at: