Cupboard Crafts & Experiments Part 2: Flip It Challenge


  • One piece of paper
  • 2 additional smaller pieces of paper to keep score
  • Marker pen
  • 2 pencils
  • 36 water bottle caps, marked with two different colors, one color on top, the other color on the bottom (Coins work well because they have two different sides already, heads and tails).


  1. Draw a grid on the paper with the marker pen. Draw 6 spaces by 6 spaces for a total of 36 spaces on your paper.
  2. Put your names at the top of each of the smaller pieces of paper.
  3. To play:
    1. Put two of each players' markers onto the middle four squares of the grid. (We'll call the markers pink and green.)
    2. The first player adds a green marker to the board, placing it beside a pink marker that it has now "trapped" between two green markers. Flip the "trapped" pink marker to the green side. Score one point for each of your opponent's pieces that you are able to trap and flip each turn. The next player adds a pink marker to the board in the same way, "trapping" a green piece and flipping it to the pink side and scoring one for flipping one piece.
    3. Take turns and be sure to notice possible ways to trap your opponent's pieces either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. As you get better at the game, you'll be able to trap multiple pieces in different directions. If you cannot find an opponent's piece to trap, you have to skip your turn.
  4. To score, either count up each player's points or count how many of each players' markers show when the grid is full.

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