Cupboard Crafts & Experiments: Penny Spinners


  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • markers
  • scotch tape
  • white paper
  • a parent or caregiver nearby


  1. Trace any size circle onto a piece of cardboard. Have your parent or caregiver cut out the circle if needed.
  2. Trace the round piece of cardboard onto the white paper. Cut out the paper circle.
  3. Draw a design onto the round piece of paper. A fun experiment is to use the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow so you can see green, orange, and purple appear when you spin.
  4. Have your parent or caregiver cut a slit into the center of the cardboard circle and also the round paper. Tape your design onto the round piece of cardboard by making tape loops. You may also glue your paper onto the cardboard.
  5. Push a penny into the slit and spin!

You can watch this project at: