Kids Make: Watercolor Stained Glass


  • Watercolors
  • Cup of water
  • Paint brush
  • Pencil
  • Black crayon or oil pastel
  • White watercolor paper or heavy cardstock
  • Black cardstock or construction paper
  • White school glue
  • Glue stick
  • Optional: popsicle stick or toothpicks to spread glue


Oil Pastel & Glue Watercolor Stained Glass

  1. Lightly draw a stained-glass design with pencil on your white paper.
  2. Outline the stained-glass design with black pastel or crayon.
  3. Working section by section, wet a section of your design with a paintbrush and plain water. Dab watercolor in that section. Feel free to mix colors.
  4. Repeat for each section of your design, wetting the paper first, before adding paint.
  5. Let your design dry.
  6. Outline each section of your design with glue, inside the black lines.
  7. Spread glue in each section.
  8. Let your project dry.
  9. Finished!

Collage-style Stained Glass

  1. You will need a sheet of black cardstock or construction paper to be the background of your final project.
  2. Lightly draw a stained-glass design with pencil on your white watercolor paper.
  3. Working section by section, wet a section of your design with a paintbrush and plain water. Dab watercolor in that section. Feel free to mix colors.
  4. Repeat for each section of your design, wetting the paper first, before adding paint.
  5. Let your design dry.
  6. Cut out each section of your design.
  7. Lay out your cutout pieces on the black paper.
  8. Once you like the arrangement, glue down each piece to the black paper with a glue stick.
  9. Finished!

Watch this project at:…