Make an easy Mother's Day card!

Need a fast Mother’s Day card? Make one with what you have at home!


  • White paper (or paper bags)
  • Colored paper (or magazine pages)
  • Pencil with eraser
  • Markers or crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape

Fold a piece of colored paper in half. Draw a bubble shaped M. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect. You can turn it over and hide the lines. Cut 2 Ms at once on the folded paper.

Trace your hand in the middle of your white paper to make a sun. Color it with markers or crayons and add eyes and mouth. Write your special message underneath. Glue or tape your Ms onto each side of the sun.

Mom will love it!

Make an easy Mother's Day card!Make an easy Mother's Day card!