Book Review: Before Your Dog Can Eat Your Homework, First You Have to Do It

O'Hurley, John
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This a gently humorous and touching book about an elderly dog and the baby who is brought into his household. The author is an actor and singer, currently hosting the Family Feud. Scoshi, his aging Maltese, has been a constant friend and companion through years of struggle, happiness, and sadness. In the twilight of his wonderful life he is introduced to William, the infant son of the author and his wife. Scoshi, by way of notes scribbled and placed under "the big blue elephant toy", inparts words of wisdom and encouragement to young William. The author "assists" in putting these notes in order for presentation. It is sweet, thought-provoking, and probably will bring the reader to gentle tears. I loved it!

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