Book Review: Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More

DeConnick, Kelly Sue
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I don't always like the first volume of a graphic novel series as the world-building can be confusing - but I really enjoyed this one! Volume 1 tells a nice story with a beginning, middle and end, and it's a great intro to the Captain Marvel story. Captain Marvel's origin story was rather hilariously told by Kit, a child, in 4 panels at the end of the first issue, and it just sounds nuts. But even with almost no previous exposure to the character, I was immediately hooked and was able to fall in line with Carol Danvers and and her crew with minimum confusion. Also, Danvers has a cat (or possible ferkin). Named Chewie. Be still my heart.

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Book Review: Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy

Cloonan, Becky
3 stars = Pretty Good

Olive Silverlock is back at Gotham Academy after a summer off - a summer that she barely remembers. With the help of her ex-boyfriend's little sister "Maps", Olive and crew are trying to oust a mysterious ghost before the ghost makes Gotham Academy uninhabitable for the living.

I wanted to like this title more than I actually ended up liking it. It started out with a bang - I found the first issue to be delightful - and then stumbled a bit after that. Even though I enjoyed the art, premise and
characters, I found the story itself to be wanting. Lots of potential here, and hopefully it will be more fully realized in future volumes.

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Book Review: Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 1

Bendis, Brian Michael
4 stars = Really Good

I read the book because I loved the Netflix series, and while I'm not sure that I loved the graphic novel series, I'm totally enjoying it so far. It's similar to the Netflix series in character, though pretty different in plot. Matt Murdock and Luke Cage show up, as does Captain America (Steve Rogers flavor). Sadly, there's no Patsy so far. Carol Danvers (AKA Captain Marvel) seems to be fulfilling that role for the time being. Overall, I found it to be an enjoyable noir graphic novel series with a strong female protagonist.

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Book Review: Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant

Cliff, Tony
4 stars = Really Good

Delilah Dirk. Globetrotting troublemaker. If that doesn't grab you, move on.

This is a really fun adventure story. Set in the early 1800s in Turkey, the book begins with Delilah Dirk springing herself from a Turkish prison, recruiting her prisoner as an adventurer, and then heading off (on a flying ship, no less) to get vengeance on an evil pirate overlord.

I rated it 4 stars because I couldn't always follow the action sequences, but overall, the art is gorgeous and the characters well-developed. If you haven't tried a graphic novel before, this could be a great one with which to start!

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Book Review: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Alexie, Sherman
4 stars = Really Good

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a very good and interesting book. This book is about an Indian boy named Arnold, also known by his nickname Junior, who is a freshman in high school. Junior lives on a Native American reservation and doesn’t fit in with any of the other kids very well because he has many special abilities that make him look, talk, and function differently. In the story, he has a best friend called Rowdy who is in his eyes, is really tough and strong. One day, Junior decides that he needs to go to a better school OFF the reservation (Rez) called Reardan. When he transferred, Rowdy decided that he hated Junior. Everyone at his new school calls Junior names, and makes fun of him because he’s an Indian with disabilities. Throughout the book, Junior encounters many more hardships and obstacles. I did like the book, although it was very depressing towards the end. The book has parts with more mature content, but is not bad if you are older. The part I enjoyed in the book is when Junior makes the basketball team by being crazy and making crazy shots. This is the second best book I have read in 2016… Messenger of Fear being the first. All in all, this is a great book that any teen should check out if they are mature enough to read it.

Reviewer Grade: 7

Reviewer's Name
Logan L.

Book Review: You Were Here

Title of Book
McCarthy, Cori
4 stars = Really Good

Actual Rating: 4.5

I love the variety in this novel. With the graphics and the writing combined, I felt like this book was more of an experience than simply words on paper. Every character was relatable, with the sarcastic and dark Jaycee, selective mute Ryan Mik, the smart and caring Natalie, her humorous boyfriend Zach, and Bishop who is simply stuck in the world of art. With all these characters, the reader feels a part of their group as they go on daring trespasses to connect with Jaycee’s dead brother, Jake. What they find is that Jake death was not as simple as they thought. As the characters develop in this novel, I developed with the splendid relationships embedded in McCarthy’s witty writing. Highly recommended read!

Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name
Madison H.

Book Review: American Born Chinese

Title of Book
Yang, Gene Luen
2 stars = Meh

Not bad. I enjoyed every part of this book except for the monkey god sections. I don't know, those parts just didn't appeal to me. I rarely read graphic novels so maybe certain things were lost on me because of the format. Overall I was somewhat underwhelmed

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