Petterson, Adrienne

Petterson, Adrienne
Current Location
Fountain, CO
Email (Public)
Author's Website
Travel writer - Nature photographer - Artist

Adrienne has lived in Fountain since 2013 and is originally from South Africa. She adores nature and has been a photographer for more years than she cares to admit. Having discovered so much to photograph in her own backyard (she refers to everywhere as her "backyard"), a book of her work was the logical next step. Her Backyard Snapshots book is an eBook, with 150 full color photos! Her book is for all ages, and she is particularly keen for children to read and enjoy this book as the message inside is to stop and look. Her book is available from and readable on most devices, which is great, as you're not restricted to using a Kindle. Visit her website at to see more wildlife photos, her art work and her travel stories.

Published Works
Backyard Snapshots: Volume One (2015)
The Obviousness of It All: A Guide to Common Sense (PublishAmerica, 2007)
A Marmac Guide to Las Vegas (Pelican Publishing, 2005)
Speaker Availability

Travis, Lisa

Travis, Lisa
Birth Year (-Died Year)
Birth City
Birth State
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Author's Website
Author, entrepreneur

Lisa Travis dreamed of faraway places ever since she was a little girl who explored National Geographic magazines every month. Looking for ways to discover the world, Lisa studied at the University of Freiburg in Germany, traveled the USA in a Volkswagon camper, and lived and worked in South Korea. She currently finds ways to pack and go by creating global executive leadership programs that take her to cool places like Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Brussels, Copenhagen, and Prague. Her experiences around the world inspired her to create Pack-n-Go Girls, an innovative book and toy company for girls that delivers positive messages around independence, adventure, and global awareness. Lisa brings an MA in Communication and 20 years of instructional design to her writing. She lives, bikes, and skis in Colorado with her husband, two kids, and two dogs.

2014 Moonbeam Award - Gold Medal, Children's Chapter Book Series
Published Works
Mystery of the Troubled Toucan (WorldTrek Publishing, 2015)
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
Children's literature - Multicultural learning and literacy - Writing (grades K-5)

Knauf, Sandra

Author Sandra Knauf
Birth Year (-Died Year)
Birth City
Birth State
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Phone (Public)
(719) 473-9237
Email (Public)
Author's Website
Writer and Publisher, Greenwoman Publishing, LLC

Sandra Knauf was born in California and spent most of her childhood in Missouri. She moved to Colorado when she was a teenager and has lived there ever since. She is the publisher and editor of Greenwoman Magazine, a garden writing magazine, which she started in 2010. Her work has appeared in The Denver Post, GreenPrints, Colorado Gardener, and other publications, and she has been a guest commentator on KRCC's "Western Skies" radio show. (KRCC is NPR's southern Colorado affiliate station.) Zera and the Green Man is her first novel. She lives in Colorado Springs with her family, pets, and a big garden.

2002 - First Place, Creative Nonfiction, Paul Gillette Memorial Writing Contest
2005 - Edited book A Taste for Gardening (2004), recipient of the Top National Award from the National Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
2008-2009 - Selected as a Denver Post "Colorado Voices" featured columnist
2011 - Grant award from Pikes Peak Community Foundation for work on Greenwoman magazine
2013 - Microgrant Award from Pikes Peak Arts Council
2015 - Microgrant Award from Pikes Peak Arts Council
2019 - North Street Book Prize Finalist, Please Don't Piss on the Petunias
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Bachelor of Arts, English, 1991
Published Works Book Jackets
Book cover for Fifty Shades of Green edited by Cheri Colburn
Book cover for Please Don't Piss on the Petunias by Sandra Knauf
Book cover for Zera and the Green Man by Sandra Knauf
* Grimy Hands Girls' Club
* Toastmasters
* League of Women Voters
* Peak Peak Art Council
* Green Cities Coalition
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics

Jones, T. Duren

Jones, T. Duren
Current Location
Monument, CO

T. Duren Jones gets out into the wilderness as often as possible, camping, fishing, hiking, desert trekking, and "bagging" peaks—and does he have stories to tell! He's hiked hundreds of trails, completed the nearly 500 miles of the Colorado Trail, and has summitted all 54 of Colorado's 14,000-foot peaks. He's kinda crazy that way. Tim enjoys taking friends, family, and his wife Diane, on wilderness quests with him ... and most of them have survived his escapades. His first book is titled Tales from the Trails. The book is part adventure journal, part travelogue, part motivational encouragement, part stand-up comedy—and includes 26 nearly true outdoor stories from trails and climbs around the American West. Tim and his wife have raised four creative and equally adventurous children. He and Diane enjoy an active outdoor lifestyle together that includes biking, softball, snowshoeing, hunting, and hiking the many wonderful trails in their home state of Colorado. About the book -- Care to be entertained? Humored? Informed? Inspired? (All from wilderness trail adventure stories, featuring those who made it out.) Then this book— Tales from the Trails, published by WordFire Press— is for you! You can order a paperback and/or ebook on Amazon. Tales from the Trails—part adventure journal, part travelogue, part motivational encouragement, part stand-up comedy—includes 26 mostly true outdoor stories from trails and climbs around the American West. This book is for anyone who loves spending time in the outdoors, who wish they could be outdoors more, or who simply enjoy reading about other nuts who spend time outdoors. The author also has a web site and regular blog featuring stories from the Pikes Peak region and around the American West, and is published monthly in the New Falcon Herald Newspaper, as well as in four regional/neighborhood newsletters on the Front Range. He also publishes an annual calendar featuring author stories and photos from wilderness trails.

Published Works Book Jackets
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
* Fun, family trails in the Pikes Peak Region
* Discoveries of "secret," unexpected finds for trial hiking and open/wilderness spaces in the Pikes Peak Region and in state of Colorado
* Adventures on 14ers, some dramatic, some humorous—author has summitted all 54 peaks (on second round now with granddaughter)
* Colorado Trail stories—author has hiked/completed all 468 miles from Denver to Durango (done in segments)

Brander, B. G.

B. G. Brander
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Author and journalist

Bruce Brander is an international journalist and author of several books on travel and social philosophy. He has been a staff writer and photographer of newspapers in New Zealand and the United States, was a writer and editor for National Geographic, and for twelve years served as a traveling journalist and editor for World Vision, a global relief and development agency. Bruce Brander lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Honorary Knight of Mark Twain
Top national awards for Christian journalism
Top national photography awards from Eastman Kodak Co. and Professional Photographers of America
BSc. in English; advanced studies in history and sociology
Speaker Availability

Bergstrom, Leslie

Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
President of "Talk of the Town: Enjoy Colorado Through Books, Slide Shows and Tours"

I have lived in Colorado Springs since 1959. I volunteer at the Fine Arts Center, Cheyenne Mt. Zoo, Bear Creek Nature Center, Garden of the Gods, and White House Ranch. Inspiration from out-of-town walking tour books led to Trips On Twos. I am actively involved in presenting bus tours, walking tours, slide presentations, talks, school programs, adult education, and Elderhostel classes (Local, Colorado, Rocky Mountain West).

Bachelor of Arts in English, Colorado College (Phi Beta Kappa, Magna cum Laude)
Local Authors Genres
Colorado Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau - Meeting Planners Association of Colorado Springs - Colorado Historical Society - American Association of University Women - Fine Arts Center Docents - Women's Educational Society - International Platform Association - Daughters of the King
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
Contact author for speaking topics and availability

Green, Stewart M.

Photograph of author Stewart M. Green
Birth Year (-Died Year)
Birth City
Colorado Springs
Birth State
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Contract writer and photographer

Stewart Green, born and raised in Colorado Springs, has been a writer and photographer since 1977 and traveled all over the American West as well as the rest of the United States and world in search of memorable images to publish and exhibit and experiences to write about. Since the mid-1980s, Stewart has worked as a contract writer and photographer for Globe Pequot Press/Falcon Guides, writing and photographing over 26 books as of 2014. As a photojournalist, Stewart’s photographs have appeared in numerous publications, books, and advertisements.

Recipient of the 2011 Golden Quill Award from the Pikes Peak Library District for lifetime excellence as a writer
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs - MFA in Creative Non-Fiction Writing from Goucher College at Baltimore, Maryland - Self-taught photographer
Local Authors Genres
Published Works
Bouldering Ute Valley: Best Bouldering Colorado Springs (Every Adventure Publis…
Garden of the Gods: A Rock-Climbing Guide (Every Adventure Publishing, 2014)
Elevenmile Canyon Rock Climbing Guide (Every Adventure Publishing, 2019)
Colorado: Bits of Travel at Home by Helen Hunt Jackson; commentary by Stewart M…
Published Works Book Jackets
Besides traveling around the world “doing research” for his books, Stewart serves as an advisor to Colorado Springs Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services on rock climbing issues at Colorado Springs city parks and participated on the Master Plan committees for the
Garden of the Gods and Red Rock Canyon Open Space. He also works as a climbing guide for Front Range Climbing Company.
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
Writing - Photography - Adventure travel - Mountaineering - Climbing - Colorado

Paul, Susan Joy

Paul, Susan Joy
Birth Year (-Died Year)
Birth City
Birth State
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Guidebook writer

Susan Joy Paul has hiked, climbed, snow shoed, rappelled, and at times - when the winds above 14,000 feet were screaming - crawled across the state of Colorado, reaching the summits of more than five hundred mountains along the way. In her first book, Touring Colorado Hot Springs 2nd.ed., Susan took a break to relax and revitalize at thirty-two of the state's best hot springs. In Hiking Waterfalls in Colorado, Susan visits one hundred and fifty of the state's waterfalls. The research was a labor of love, taking Susan hundreds of miles on foot, climbing tens of thousands of feet up, in search of the best falls. She completed the hikes in one year's time - nearly all of them solo - taking photos, GPS tracks and detailed notes to create vivid and accurate maps and directions. With this book, Susan shares the splendor of these wonderful, water-full, waterfall hikes with like-minded adventurers.

Local Authors Genres
Published Works
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
The hot springs and waterfalls of Colorado
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